Home » The Polish Sejm approved the ministers in the Tusk government

The Polish Sejm approved the ministers in the Tusk government

by alex

The Polish Sejm on Tuesday evening voted for a vote of confidence in the composition of the Council of Ministers headed by Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

This was reported by the Polish media, in particular the newspaper Wyborcza and PAP.

248 deputies voted for, when 201 parliamentarians voted against.

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Donald Tusk subsequently gave a speech from the platform of the Polish parliament.

— This is truly a great day, not for me, but for all those who believed that thanks to you everything would change for the better, — said the Prime Minister.

Donald Tusk also criticized the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party, whose representatives previously occupied positions in the Cabinet of Ministers.

— I would like to thank the members of the Law and Justice Party, because it was you who were able to awaken millions of people. It is because of what you tried to do not only to me, but also to democracy, that so many Poles woke up on October 15th, — added Tusk.

It is noteworthy that during the voting there was a scandal when, behind the scenes of the Sejm, a deputy of the Ukrainian-phobic Confederation party Grzegorz Brown grabbed a fire extinguisher and extinguished the Hanukkah menorah.

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What is known about the Tusk government

The Council of Ministers of Poland under the leadership of Donald Tusk will include 19 ministers and four ministers without portfolio.

Radoslaw Sikorski, who was in office from 2007 to 2014, and is now a member of the European Parliament, was again elected head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In turn, the leader of the Nowoczesna party, Adam Szlapka, will become Minister of EU Affairs.

The Polish Ministry of Defense in the new government will be headed by Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysh, who is the leader of the Polish Peasant Party. A representative of the same political force, Czeslaw Sekierski, should take the position of minister in the Ministry of Agriculture.

The Tusk government also plans to separate the Ministries of Education and Science, and they should be headed by Barbara Nowacka from the Civic Platform and Dariusz Wieczorek from the New Left, respectively.

What preceded

Note that on December 11, the Polish Sejm failed to vote for a vote of confidence in the Cabinet of Ministers of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

On the same day, the Polish parliament on December 11 elected the leader of the centrist Civic Platform, Donald Tusk, as head of government.

We add that the current President of Poland Andrzej Duda will swear in the government of the new Prime Minister Donald Tusk on the morning of Wednesday, December 13.

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