Home ยป The Poles vividly destroyed the main myth about the Russians

The Poles vividly destroyed the main myth about the Russians

by alex

Poles beat Russians in Turkey because of the war in Ukraine/Channel 24 Collage

One one of the side effects of this war is the desacralization of Russians as terrible people with whom it is better not to mess with.


Fashion trend of our time

Events in Ukraine have shown that pig-faced people can also even need to f**k. That this is a useful and charitable business.

It turned out that the terrible northern barbarians, who for many years shocked the guests of Turkish resorts with their manners, can only blurt out their tongues, and snatch pindulin just like any other.

And already around the world then here and there pig-nosed regularly get punched in the face. It is becoming trendy and fashionable.

Perhaps the Poles will soon sell special tours to Turkey, discuss the war in Ukraine with bast shoes. Thank you Polish friends! You are beauties! Don't stop!

An epic case in a Turkish hotel

  • In one of the hotels in Turkey, Polish vacationers beat tourists from Russia.
  • The reason for the conflict was that Representatives of the occupying country avoided a clear assessment of the war unleashed by the Russian Federation in Ukraine.
  • In the end, a Russian turned up at the police station. In addition, he was allegedly accused of having provoked the fight himself, as his fellow citizens usually do.

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