Home » The Parliament of Moldova adopted a Declaration condemning the policy of genocide of the Russian Federation against Ukraine

The Parliament of Moldova adopted a Declaration condemning the policy of genocide of the Russian Federation against Ukraine

by alex

The Moldovan Parliament adopted a Declaration condemning Russia's policy of genocide against Ukraine, which is carried out through the forced transfer and deportation of Ukrainian children in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and on the territory of the Russian Federation.

This was reported on her Facebook page by Vice-Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Elena Kondratyuk, who is one of the authors of the corresponding appeal to Moldovan fellow legislators.

Declaration of genocide of the Russian Federation against Ukraine

During the voting, 60 parliament members out of 79 present voted in favor. There were no those who would oppose.

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Accordingly, the Parliament of Moldova joined the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the European Parliament, the US Congress, the parliaments of Canada, Poland, the Baltic countries, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, France, Iceland and other countries that adopted relevant resolutions.< /p>

— With this resolution, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova declares that the denial of the existence of the Ukrainian nation, as well as all the inhumane policies pursued by the Russian Federation against the children of Ukraine, falls under the definition of genocide in accordance with the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, — wrote the Vice Speaker of the Parliament of Moldova Doina German.

Kondratyuk noted that the decision of the Parliament of Moldova is another “practical result of Ukrainian parliamentary diplomacy”.

Recall that on May 28, the Culture Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) recognized the erasure of Ukrainian cultural identity as an instrument of Russia’s war against Ukraine and an element of the policy of genocide aimed at destroying the Ukrainian nation.

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