Home » The operation will continue: the Freedom of Russia Legion answered whether the main task was completed

The operation will continue: the Freedom of Russia Legion answered whether the main task was completed

by alex

Russian volunteers have been carrying out an operation in the border regions of Kursk and Belgorod since March 12. Soldiers of the Legion “Freedom”, RDK and the Siberian Battalion managed to significantly prevent the holding of the so-called presidential elections in these Russian regions.

About this 24 Channelsaid “Caesar” – deputy commander of the Legion “Freedom of Russia”, who noted that the volunteers demonstrated that “elections” in Russia are a farce. In addition, they proved that Russian citizens will fight the regime with arms in hand.

Heads will roll in Russian power

In the near future, Russian volunteers will continue demilitarization of the border regions of Russia. Also pin down the enemy’s forces, forcing him at least not to transfer reserves to other sectors of the front, which will reduce the enemy’s combat effectiveness.

The operation will continue further , and based on its results, the losses of Putin’s troops will be clear. There will also be political results: heads will roll in the Russian government and there will be reshuffles. “All this will not add stability to the Putin system,” “Caesar” emphasized.

The raid of Russian volunteers caused the greatest damage to the image of Vladimir Putin, who positioned himself in such a way that he could control the situation in Russia. He also received a fairly high percentage of support in the elections – 87.29. However, these figures, according to the deputy commander of the Legion “Freedom of Russia”, cannot be considered honest.

“Putin “drawn” the results of the “elections”. who were forced to vote, he did not even get 40% of the votes. The remaining votes are massive stuffing and falsifications. There are objective election results from the polling stations, with the results of the election commissions recorded in the photo . For example, in Belgrade (Serbia) less than 14% voted for Putin,” he noted.

More about the volunteer raid on Russian territory

  • The Freedom of Russia Legion reported on March 19, which continues to destroy enemy equipment. In particular, surveillance systems and communications equipment of the Russian army in the vicinity of Zhuravlevka in the Belgorod region are destroyed. The defeat is inflicted by volunteers with the help of drones.
  • GUR representative Andrey Yusov said that Ukrainian intelligence is helping the Russian Volunteer Corps, “Freedom of Russia” and the Siberian Battalion, which are fighting on Russian territory with the Putin regime. He emphasized that Russian volunteers are helping Ukrainian forces to free themselves from the occupiers. They also take part in serious operations.
  • Chairman of the Council of Reservists of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Ivan Timochko noted that the volunteers are conducting “a very powerful, interesting and strategically calculated full-scale military operation” . He called it successful at this stage.

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