Home » The OP announced the signing of a new security agreement between Ukraine and the EU

The OP announced the signing of a new security agreement between Ukraine and the EU

by alex

The OP announced the signing of a new security agreement between Ukraine and the EU Margarita Voloshina

Ukraine and the EU agreed on a security agreement/Collage 24 Channel

Ukraine and the European Union held the final round of negotiations on a bilateral security document. It will be signed soon.

It is noted that the security agreement with the EU will be concluded in pursuance of the Joint Declaration on Support for Ukraine. The European Union, together with the G7 countries, approved it in Vilnius on July 12, 2023.

The OP announced the signing of a new security agreement with the EU

The final round of negotiations regarding the security document was held by Deputy Chairman of the OP Igor Zhovkva and Deputy Secretary General of the European External Action Service for Peace, Security and Defense Charles Frise.

The negotiating teams of Ukraine and the EU have completed agreeing on the text of the security agreement and agreed to sign it in the near future, the report says.

The day before, the German publication Die Welt reported that the ambassadors of the European Union had already agreed on a draft bilateral security agreement between Ukraine and the EU, which is a continuation of the G7 declaration on “security guarantees”. It was noted that this project is planned to be completed by the end of June.

The draft text contains provisions according to which the EU undertakes to consult on the needs of Ukraine within 24 hours in the event of a new aggression against her.

Also in the agreement, the EU takes responsibility for providing military assistance, military training, mine clearance, reforms in the defense sector, cooperation in countering hybrid threats and cyber attacks, as well as assistance in recovery.

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