Home » The Office of the President has developed a plan to stimulate the economy in wartime

The Office of the President has developed a plan to stimulate the economy in wartime

by alex

On Monday, March 21, Deputy Head of the Office of the President Rostislav Shurma told how the economy will be stimulated in wartime.

He clarified that, first of all, they plan to make the most liberal conditions for business – in this way, he will be able to work with reduced taxes, which will help him return to duty and help keep the economic rear of our country in the war with the Russian Federation.

The state will also offer to earn money through government orders in the defense sector.

– We will have several sources. The first is, in fact, a working economy, so we will make every effort to restart all business and enterprises so that they start working. Accordingly, the number of people who will work will require less assistance. Second: enterprises that will work will pay taxes, albeit reduced, but still,” Shurma said.

Another source, according to him, will be the support of international partners, financial organizations and donors who help compensate for losses in the state budget of Ukraine.

– Our budget now consists of three large components: financing of military operations, support for people and social standards, and food security and the provision of all foodstuffs. The vast majority of other articles are now reduced to zero so that we can focus on these three priorities,” the deputy head of the OP summed up.

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