Home ยป The occupiers want to launch trains from the occupied Crimea to Kherson and Zaporozhye

The occupiers want to launch trains from the occupied Crimea to Kherson and Zaporozhye

by alex

The invaders want to launch trains from the occupied Crimea to Kherson and Zaporozhye/Channel 24 Collage

The Russian occupation “authorities” have decided to create a railway connection between the occupied Crimea and parts of the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. In all likelihood, this will begin to be done from the beginning of July.

This was reported on June 16 by the Russian media. They referred to the statement of the Gauleiter of Russia in the occupied Crimea Sergey Aksyonov.

How many trains do the occupiers want to run from Crimea

The Kremlin puppet spoke about this when he came to “check in” at the Armyansk checkpoint. Now the infidels have only the task of launching a passenger service.

However, from July 1, only test flights will be launched there. We are talking about 3 wagons that will carry 60 passengers.

Also, according to Aksyonov, up to 3 million cubic meters of gas per day can supposedly be supplied to the temporarily occupied Kherson region from the occupied Crimea. He made the same statement regarding electricity.

Occupiers in Crimea demand support from businessmen

The head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, Refat Chubarov, said on June 16 that the occupying “authority” on the territory of Crimea had once again begun to terrorize entrepreneurs. Now businessmen are required to publicly support Russia's war against Ukraine.

Young people went to various enterprises, businessmen, private organizations and demanded from their leaders public support for the Russian leadership and that they call it a “special operation,” Chubarov said.

However, he noted that this is far from the first case of pressure on the civilian population of the territory temporarily occupied by Russia. For example, right now Nariman Dzhelal and the Akhtemov brothers are being “tried”. Russian prosecutors accuse the men of preparing sabotage, so they face up to 20 years in prison.

When these Crimean Tatars repressed by Russia were detained:

Deputy Chairman Nariman Dzhelal was first kidnapped, and then imprisoned under guard on September 4, 2021. He has small children and sick parents who are dependent on him. However, the court denied the request for house arrest during the investigation.

Aziz and Asan Akhtemov were hijacked by Russian security forces around the same time. Three of them and another Crimean Tatar, Eldar Odamanov, are being tried in the same case.

President Volodymyr Zelensky then expressed outrage at the actions of the Russian “authorities” in Crimea. He stressed that the infidels again resorted to the persecution of the Crimean Tatars because the Crimean platform began to work.

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