Home » The occupiers in Kazakhstan are not welcome: the Russians went for the Z-symbols on the car

The occupiers in Kazakhstan are not welcome: the Russians went for the Z-symbols on the car

by alex

In Kazakhstan, citizens are outraged by the modern Russian swastika “Z”. Yes, the fans of the “Russian world” are called in by the police and forced to remove the Z-symbols.

The civilized world does not support Russia in its imperialist aspirations. And even where the new swastika is not prohibited by law, citizens do not want to see it at home. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty shared this evidence on their Twitter page.

Outrage of Russians in Kazakhstan

Zhasibai zone of Pavlodar region. There, the Russians complained that they were not very friendly, because there was a sticker with the symbol “Z” on the back of their car.

They saw this sign on our car glass (symbol “Z” – ed. 24 channel), attacked us with accusations that we were fascists, that we attacked Ukraine, – comments irritably Russian woman incident.

Despite the fact that symbols of Russia's war against Ukraine are not banned in Kazakhstan, Russian tourists have faced outrage from local residents and even fines from the police for putting stickers with it on their cars. After all, as the Kazakh said in the video, today they drive with the letters “Z” on their roads, and tomorrow they can enter with tanks.

The absence of such a ban was explained by Kazakh journalist, publicist and human rights activist Sergei Duvanov. According to him, such a law has not yet been adopted, since Kazakhstan is now in the sphere of influence of Russian politics.

Not wanting to quarrel with their northern neighbor, they (Kazakhstan – ed. Channel 24) do not adopt such a law, because this law will have to include the political component of this ban. And this, I think, will not please the Kremlin, and then there may be trouble, – Sergey Duvanov noted.

War in Ukraine and Kazakhstan: latest news

  • In June, at the International Economic Petersburg, President of Kazakhstan Kasim-Zhomart Tokayev refused to recognize the legitimacy of the so-called “DPR” and “LPR” . Then the politician added that Kazakhstan also does not recognize the independence of either Taiwan, or Kosovo, or Abkhazia, or South Ossetia.
  • Against the backdrop of military Russian aggression, Kazakhstan decided to strengthen its army. Thus, the country increased its defense budget by 441 billion tenge, which is approximately 918 million dollars.
  • Kazakhstan also decided to ban the export of military products for a year. President Kasim-Jomart Tokayev expressed concern that Kazakh weapons could end up in regional military conflicts, including in Ukraine.
  • the victory of Ukraine, because they are well aware of the possible threats from Moscow. As the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin said, at the same time, Nur-Sultan will continue to maintain contacts with Russia, hoping for its loss.
  • The leader of the political party of Kazakhstan “Support of the People” Nurzhan Altaev expressed the same opinion , noting that the Kazakh people fully support Ukraine in the war against the Russian aggressor.

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