Home » The occupiers caused an accident at Zaporizhzhya NPP: there was a leak of reagents at the fifth power unit

The occupiers caused an accident at Zaporizhzhya NPP: there was a leak of reagents at the fifth power unit

by alex

Due to the criminal actions of the Russian occupiers, an accident occurred at the fifth power unit of the Zaporozhye NPP.

As reported by Energoatom, as a result of the transfer of the fifth power unit of the temporarily occupied Zaporizhia NPP to a “hot” state, an incident occurred with a leak of reagents from the primary circuit of the reactor to the second.

Despite the existing violations, the occupation leadership is in no hurry to transfer the unit to a “cold shutdown” state, using the steam generated by the fifth power unit for heating and meeting the station’s own needs.

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Due to the incompetence of the Russian personnel, in particular the shift manager of the chemical shop, who lost control over the saturation of the special water treatment filters, the primary circuit water with a boric acid solution ends up in the deaerator of the turbine hall, and from there again to all the steam generators.

– The actions of the racists are absolutely incompetent. Their attempts to take power unit No. 3 out of repair and warm it up to a “hot” state, in order to put power unit No. 5 into a “cold shutdown” in return, is another attempt to continue nuclear blackmail and damage the equipment of another nuclear power unit, – emphasized Petr, President of the State Enterprise NNEGC Energoatom Kotin.

Such actions by the occupiers can lead to loss of integrity of the steam generator tubes, which undoubtedly does not comply with the regulations for the safe operation of a nuclear power plant unit.

“With their actions, the invaders once again jeopardize the safety of the station’s operation and cause constant degradation of the equipment and an increase in dangerous cases of its failures. And this can lead to an emergency at any moment,” added the head of Energoatom.

Accidents at Zaporizhia NPP

Due to violation of licensing conditions by the occupiers, a number of emergency situations have already occurred at the Zaporozhye NPP.

On November 14, 2023, due to the incompetence of Russian invaders and employees of the Russian state corporation Rosatom, a partial blackout occurred. Power unit No. 6 of Zaporizhzhya NPP was de-energized, after which diesel generators and security systems started up. The unit remained in this mode for 90 minutes.

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Previously, a danger was recorded at power unit No. 4. As a result of its heating, radioactive coolant (water) leaked from the primary to the secondary circuit, which is a violation of one of the barriers to the spread of radioactive contamination.

A similar situation occurred when trying to “warm up” power unit No. 6. In addition, the ridiculous decision of the current “managers” of the station to transfer it to a “hot” state has led to a significant increase in liquid radioactive waste at the station site, which poses potential harm to personnel, the population and the environment.

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