Home » The occupiers are scared – an interview with a speaker of the National Resistance Center about Russia's frustrated plans

The occupiers are scared – an interview with a speaker of the National Resistance Center about Russia's frustrated plans

by alex

Interview with the speaker of the National Resistance Center/Collage of Channel 24

The Russian military is unable to complete its assigned tasks in Ukraine, because ordinary citizens are putting up insane resistance. Therefore, the invaders do not want to serve in the temporarily occupied territories, they are afraid.

This was stated in an exclusive interview with Channel 24 by the speaker of the National Resistance Center. He also talked about the activities of Ukrainian partisans, preparations for a full-scale war, and the thwarted plans of the Kremlin.

About the “introduction” of rubles in the South< /h2>

In the temporarily occupied part of the South of Ukraine, the Russian occupiers are struggling to fulfill their tasks. However, despite all attempts, they still have not been able to introduce their own currency there.

The Russians were supposed to do this before June, but they successfully failed the task, – said the representative of the National Resistance Center.

He noted that the formats of opposition of Ukrainians to Russians in the occupied territories are absolutely varied. Most often these are postcards distributed by local residents. They can contain both threats to the occupiers and interesting materials for the population.

Interview with the speaker of the National Resistance Center: watch the video

In addition, one of the important types of resistance in the temporarily occupied territories is the sabotage of various activities. In particular, Ukrainian entrepreneurs are now putting up simply insane economic resistance in the Kherson region and Zaporozhye.

On intimidation of invaders and courage of Ukrainians

The speaker of the Center for National Resistance told how ordinary Ukrainians in the North of Ukraine intimidated Russian soldiers. When large vehicles entered the cities in columns, local residents used interesting “methods of influence” on the invaders.

In particular, there were cases when Ukrainian men took a glass, vodka and went to the Russian military. They convinced the invaders that they seemed to be “liberating the Ukrainians”, and then they told them about the brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine standing nearby.

Several such stories and the occupiers themselves poured fuel and gave it to the locals, so as not to simply move on. They were afraid to go on the offensive,” the speaker said.

About partisans in the occupied territories

Ukrainian partisans are active in subversive activities in the temporarily occupied territories. According to a representative of the Center for National Resistance, they do it so well that Russians are even afraid to go “serve” to the South of Ukraine.

The partisans did not just pick up a pitchfork or a shovel and go “to kill the enemies” in the rear of the occupier. Our partisans are experienced military men who know what needs to be done behind enemy lines and how to inflict the greatest harm on him,” the speaker noted.

People are trained to the maximum to fight the invaders. This is not only about direct physical combat, but also about other formats.

“We could observe such people in late February and early March, when our people went to large-scale protests and told the invaders in the face that they were not welcome here,” the speaker said.

On the preparation of Ukrainians for war

According to the speaker of the Center for National Resistance, the preparation of the population for a full-scale war in various directions lasted more than one year. In particular, the basis for national resistance to enemies was being prepared.

Thanks to the courage and determination of the citizens, Ukraine withstood the powerful blow of a full-scale invasion of Russian troops. The resistance that the population has shown to the invaders for more than 100 days is the result of this preparation.

When the enemy is on the ground for 3 months, where he constantly turns around, they want to kill him, he understands that he can become a victim, his moral and psychological state is very low,” said a representative of the Center for National Opposition.

He added that in this way, at the right moment, the demoralized enemy military will simply lay down their arms and will not resist the Ukrainian counterattack.


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