Home » The network showed how the defenders of Ukraine destroy the enemy in the Kherson direction

The network showed how the defenders of Ukraine destroy the enemy in the Kherson direction

by alex

The Ukrainian military is skillfully destroying the Russian invaders. The soldiers of the TERRA unit shared their successes.

Our defenders have published a video of how they “work” against the Russian occupiers. The footage shows how the enemy's equipment catches fire.

Now the heroes are in the Kherson direction. They are making every effort to drive away Russian soldiers and liberate Ukrainian settlements.

The video shows that the military, using drones, turn out to be enemy equipment, and then attack it.

< strong>How the TERRA unit destroys the invaders: a powerful video

What is the situation in the South of Ukraine: latest news

Over the past day, our soldiers have done a good job in the South of Ukraine. In particular, aviation inflicted 6 strikes on the enemy, and rocket and artillery units – 265. As a result of attacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Russian army lost:

  • 59 military;
  • 3 units of MLRS ” Hurricane” and a transport-charging vehicle for them;
  • 2 self-propelled artillery guns “Pion”,
  • self-propelled howitzer “Msta-S”;
  • 3 self-propelled artillery -mortar installations;
  • T-72 tank;
  • 6 units of armored vehicles;
  • 2 ammunition depots in the Berislav region.

< p>Ukrainian soldiers also hit pontoon crossings in the area of ​​New Kakhovka and destroyed the ferry crossing. Therefore, the Russians have serious logistical problems in the city. The enemy cannot repair the crossings, because the Armed Forces of Ukraine keep them under tight fire control.

We add that as of September 8, the Ukrainian military had already eliminated 51,250 enemy soldiers. In just one day, 640 invaders went to the “kobzon concert”.

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