Home » The negotiations themselves are already positive: what are the key points of the meeting between Biden and Xi Jinping

The negotiations themselves are already positive: what are the key points of the meeting between Biden and Xi Jinping

by alex

The meeting between Biden and Xi is a positive development / Collage 24 Channel

A meeting between Joseph Biden and Xi Jinping took place in San Francisco. Starting the negotiations, the head of China called the relationship between Washington and Beijing the most important in the whole world. The US leader said that he considers it an honor to host the head of the People's Republic of China in San Francisco. However, he later called Xi Jinping a “dictator.”

Political scientist Oleg Lesnoy told Channel 24 about the results of negotiations between the leaders of the United States and China, which showed that war between these countries is being postponed, as well as a nuclear disaster.

Biden mentioned Ukraine

At the end of the negotiations, according to the political scientist, two main conclusions can be drawn.

First , the leaders of the two countries agreed to return to military communications between the armies of the United States and the People's Republic of China, which had previously been terminated by the Chinese side.

Secondly , one of the important agreements between the two leaders is the fight against drugs, because this problem is very serious in the United States.

In addition, during the negotiations between Joe Biden and Xi Jinping, the Ukrainian issue was also touched upon.

In this sense, it is important that President Biden noted that the United States will support our country so that Ukraine emerges from the war as a democratic state and is ready for the next acts of aggression. However, the phrase was not said that the United States would help Ukraine win the war, Lesnoy noted.

The political scientist spoke about the results of the meeting between Biden and Xi Jinping: watch the video

It's a dictator's problem

At the end of negotiations with Xi, Biden spoke to reporters and again called the Chinese leader a “dictator.”

The US President explained why he considers Xi Jinping a dictator. This is understandable, and this is true, and he could not help but say it. It is clear that any dictator does not like being called that. However, this is his problem,” Lesnoy noted.

At the same time, according to the political scientist, the very fact of negotiations between Biden and Xi and the fact that communication has resumed between the countries is positive. However, it was impossible to expect that this meeting would be a breakthrough and stop the conflicts.

Meeting between Joseph Biden and Xi Jinping

  • The leaders of the United States and China met on November 15 in San Francisco. Biden and Xi Jinping made statements during the meeting about the difficult relationship between the two states.
  • In particular, the PRC gala said that over the past 50 years, relations between the countries have been difficult, but “both states have no right to turn their backs on each other.”
  • At the same time, the US President noted that, despite the different positions of Washington and Beijing, their negotiations have always been frank, direct and useful.
  • During a conversation with reporters at the end of the talks, the US President called Xi Jinping a “dictator.” Biden explained that China's leader is a dictator in the sense that he “runs a communist country” and the Chinese government is “completely different” from the US government.
  • Let us recall that Biden called Xi the second dictator. The previous time he resorted to such language was in June, commenting on the downing of a Chinese reconnaissance balloon in the United States.

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