Home » The mobilized are like slaves: Zhdanov told how the Russians are “fighting” with deserters

The mobilized are like slaves: Zhdanov told how the Russians are “fighting” with deserters

by alex

There is mass desertion among the enemy troops. The leadership of the occupying army resorts to various means to force the Russians to fight.

Military expert Oleg Zhdanov told about this in a stream on his YouTube channel, Channel 24 reports. He recalled that the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported on how the Russian army is trying to prevent desertion.

Occupiers are being frightened by prison for desertion

As the military expert noted, Russian deputy commanders for work with personnel are actively carrying out explanatory work to prevent desertion among Russian military personnel.

They are trying to convey to the occupiers the articles of the Criminal Code on punishment for the military. All the invaders are afraid that since 2017 those Russian soldiers who left the unit without permission have been sentenced from 4 to 12 years in prison,” Zhdanov said.

He noted that it was in 2017 that the aggressor country increased the responsibility for desertion.

“But Russia is a country that is not friendly with human rights and does not live in the legal field,” Zhdanov said.

He noted that “unauthorized abandonment of the unit” is a rather extended term. And the Russian leadership can interpret it as they please.

Oleg Zhdanov spoke about the cruelty in the Russian army: watch the video

Pen practice

The Russian occupiers are not limited to intimidating personnel. Also, according to a military expert, the practice of using detachments is widespread in the occupying army. . These functions are performed:

  • OMON arriving from Russia;
  • kadyrovtsy;
  • National Guard.

“In which case they open fire to kill. The military personnel themselves can do the same,” Zhdanov said.

Wagnerites finish off the wounded and shoot refuseniks

According to him, earlier it was said that former prisoners who were recruited into private military companies like Wagner had no rights. Wagnerites finish off the wounded, and those former prisoners who do not follow orders are shot.

As in that saying: a step to the side is an escape, a jump on the spot is a provocation. That's about the way they do with them, – said Zhdanov.

Now the Russian mobilized have found themselves in the same position.

If you don't want to attack, you will be shot on the spot.

As Zhdanov said, no one in the Russian army takes into account the moods and needs of the mobilized.

“They mobilized are like slaves. They have no rights at all,” the military expert emphasized.

According to Zhdanov, regular soldiers put the mobilized in the first line and drive ahead of them into the attack. If they turn back, then they open fire on them from all available means – from small arms, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, machine guns.

If you don't want to attack, you will be shot on the spot. There is a rather cruel treatment of the mobilized. In such an atmosphere they are fighting today, – said the military expert.

He added that, unfortunately, even despite such conditions, the Russians are still fighting. And this creates difficulties for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Problems in the occupying army: briefly

  • Residents of Crimea flooded the Russian Ministry of Defense with complaints. Relatives of Crimeans illegally mobilized and drafted into the Russian army are not very happy with the way the invader command treats its personnel.
  • In fact, all the units in which the Crimeans serve were fully or partially transferred by the command to self-sufficiency. So that the soldiers do not die of hunger and do not tire the leadership with meaningless questions when they are fed, the commanders decided to introduce a system of mandatory provision of soldiers with their families.
  • The Russian military has no motivation to fight further. In particular, on the left bank of Kherson, the Russians are actively shelling the occupied settlements and accusing the Armed Forces of Ukraine of this. The representative of OK “South” Natalya Gumenyuk believes that in this way the invaders are preparing the ground for their escape.

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