Home » The Ministry of Internal Affairs suggested whether Israel would transfer weapons to Ukraine after Lavrov's cynical statement

The Ministry of Internal Affairs suggested whether Israel would transfer weapons to Ukraine after Lavrov's cynical statement

by alex

Will Israel transfer weapons to Ukraine after Lavrov's cynical statement/Channel 24 Collage

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine reacted to Lavrov's cynical propaganda statement that “there was also Jewish blood in Hitler's blood”. Adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs Vadim Denisenko spoke about this on Channel 24.

According to him, we already see how the rhetoric of official Israel has changed. Moreover, even in the country itself there is enough pressure to react harshly to Lavrov's statements.

However, it is too early to say that Israel will begin to transfer weapons to us, from my point of view, – Denisenko believes.

That is, in this case, as he stressed, one should wait for official statements.

p> Attention! The day before, Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid said that Lavrov's words were outrageous and a gross historical mistake. According to him, saying that Hitler was a Jew is like saying that the Jews killed themselves.

Denisenko said whether Israel will give weapons after Lavrov's statements: watch the video

Ukraine's reaction to another nonsense of the Russian Foreign Ministry: the main thing

  • Ukraine and Israel immediately condemned such the words of a Russian official that Hitler “had Jewish blood”, commenting on the Jewish roots of Vladimir Zelensky.
  • The Office of the President issued a statement that Lavrov's anti-Semitic attacks on the head of our state and Jews are absolutely unacceptable. They assured that the nonsense of the Russians would not be able to justify the criminal war against Ukraine.
  • Head of the Presidential Office Andriy Yermak and his adviser Mikhail Podolyak also reacted to the situation. The latter called Lavrov's statements “blatantly anti-Semitic.” This is what proves that Russia follows the Nazi ideology.
  • The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmitry Kuleba called such words of Lavrov disgusting. They insult not only Zelensky, but Israel and all its people. According to him, this once again proves that modern Russia is full of hatred for other peoples.

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