Home » The main donors of the Democratic Party have decided on candidates to replace Biden – FT

The main donors of the Democratic Party have decided on candidates to replace Biden – FT

by alex

The Democratic Party's top donors have decided on candidates to replace Biden, – FT Vladislav Kravtsov

Whom the Democratic Party donors have chosen as a possible candidate instead of Biden/Collage 24 Channel (photo by Getty Images and from public sources)

Top Democratic Party donors have announced their candidacies to replace Joe Biden in the presidential race against Donald Trump. This happened after growing dissatisfaction with the current head of the United States in the debate against the Republican candidate.

Financial Times journalists, citing several people familiar with the situation, noted that Democratic donors named Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and California Governor Gavin Newsom as the preferred presidential candidates.

Why donors are looking for other candidates instead of Biden

Journalists noted that donors are focusing on the governors of Michigan and California as potential candidates in the presidential race to replace Biden, reflects deepening frustration among Democratic Party operatives and supporters over hopelessness about the future of the American president.

Donors remain concerned about Biden and his polling following last week's debate with Trump , saying the presidential campaign is simply “delaying the inevitable battle for the throne by four months until the general election in November.”

One Democratic Party donor said Biden's candidacy is “doomed “.

I'm Joe's biggest fan, he's a great public servant, but he's doomed… We have to start focusing on what comes next, the American said.

Vice President Kamala Harris is also among the candidates in the presidential race who, according to donors, could replace Biden.

The publication notes that Democratic Party leaders, including the top Senate Democrat, Chuck Schumer and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also held crisis talks with major donors to gauge their mood after the debate.

Whitmer and Newsom joined other governors who met with Biden for emergency talks at the White House on July 3. Both governors have since confirmed their support for the president's re-election campaign, but their donors and funders are working behind closed doors to provide support should they enter the race for the White House, people familiar with the matter said.

Whitmer appears to have more support among donors, and several people told reporters that she would have a better chance of defeating Trump in swing states like Michigan.

What businessmen are saying about Biden's candidacy in the election

Abigail Disney, heiress media giant, said it would stop making contributions to the Democratic Party until Biden resigns. Additionally, billionaire crypto investor Mike Novogratz spearheaded the creation of a fund called Next Generation PAC to raise approximately $100 million to support any candidate.

Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings, one one of the party's biggest donors, told the Financial Times that the president needs to “step aside to allow a dynamic Democratic leader to defeat Trump.”

Ari Emanuel, one of Hollywood's most powerful agents and chief Democratic Party donor, told a conference in Colorado that the only way to speed up replacing Biden in the presidential race is to cut funding.

But some donors warned that any move to replace Biden one of the governors could spark a Democratic “civil war” by saying Harris would be a less controversial choice.

Charles Myers, head of Signum Global Advisors and a major donor, warned of ” deep divisions” among Democrats in any new race.

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