Home ยป The loss of the Kherson region will be the beginning of the end of the Russian occupiers: where they should already pack their bags

The loss of the Kherson region will be the beginning of the end of the Russian occupiers: where they should already pack their bags

by alex

Let's not forget that the liberation of the Kherson region promises real problems for another occupied Ukrainian territory, whose inhabitants are being held hostage Putin and his criminal entourage since 2014. This is Crimea.

How the Kherson region became the “key” to Crimea

Recently, the Crimean Platform Summit was held, the participants of which – the leaders of many countries of the civilized world – said that Ukraine has every right to restore its control over the peninsula.

But even before this control is restored, we must remember about the situation with water for Crimea. As you know, immediately after they established control over the Kherson region, the occupiers began supplying Dnieper water to Crimea, because it became clear that the infrastructure of the peninsula simply could not exist without this water. Which, by the way, Putin and his entire illiterate gang were warned about back in 2014, when the occupation of Crimea took place.

Putin, who understands nothing in logistics and economics, did not even pay attention to these remarks, but then, apparently, he came to the conclusion that in order to maintain control over Crimea, Russia also needs to have control over the Kherson region.

< h3>Chain reaction started

We speak in a completely different way, and this will also be an absolutely correct thesis: in order to begin the resumption of control over Crimea, Ukraine needs to restore control over the Kherson region. And from this situation, continue to act in relation to economic levers of influence on this occupied territory, prepare for its liberation, prepare for various options for its liberation.

From military options that will be associated with the complete liberation of the territory of Crimea from Russian invaders and their dastardly mercenaries, to political options that could be linked to the collapse of Putin's political system.

With the fact that the new leadership of Russia, aware of all the problems that Russia is in confrontation not only with Ukraine, but with the entire civilized world, will want to return to the norms of international law and recognize the decisions of the Russian parliament and the constitutional court on the annexation of Crimea to the rf as violating the constitution of russia and its international obligations.

However, in order for this to become a reality, it is very important that Russian troops are now defeated on the territory of the Kherson region. So that the Ukrainian offensive, carefully prepared by our command and for which preparatory actions were carried out to blow up bridges on the territory of the Kherson region, be successful. So that the Russian occupiers on the territory of the Kherson region learn a lesson from the Ukrainian Armed Forces. So that the Russians realize that they do not need to push into foreign land, that on foreign land, Ukrainian land, only death and infamy await these shameful invaders.

And, of course, then the liberation of the territory of most of the Kherson region will open the way to the liberation of the Donetsk region and the Luhansk region, the liberation of Crimea, the liberation of all Ukrainian regions occupied by the enemy and the restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine in its entirety.

And this should be the main goal of the Ukrainian state, the Ukrainian people in the near future, which should end with the complete deliverance of Ukraine from Russian aggressive troops on its soil. Ukrainian citizens should not be held hostage by the enemy.

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