Home » The Lithuanian Foreign Ministry speculated whether Putin would use nuclear weapons

The Lithuanian Foreign Ministry speculated whether Putin would use nuclear weapons

by alex

Will Putin use nuclear weapons/Collage 24 Channel

Russia is resorting to nuclear blackmail again. Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis expressed his opinion on whether the Russian dictator could use nuclear weapons.

Gabrielius Landsbergis is convinced that Putin is bluffing and will not dare to use nuclear weapons. He also named the reasons why he thinks so.

Putin can lose everything in an instant

The head of the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry noted that there are still countries that support the aggressor. However, even they will turn their backs on Russia if it uses nuclear weapons.

He (Putin – Channel 24) does not gain anything from this, but loses everything. Some countries are on his side, or so he thinks. China clearly supports Russia, global partners in Latin America and Africa are also more likely to side with Putin. But if the threats become reality, the entire partnership will disappear in an instant, he said.

He also added that the position taken by some leading states in order to avoid escalation may turn out destructive. He is convinced that this only increases the risks that the war will spread beyond Ukraine.

This path, if we follow our strategy, leads to destruction of the country. It could lead to a real conflict outside of Ukraine; other countries could be involved in it. Because we are sending Putin a very clear signal: if you threaten us, we will retreat,” the minister said.

What preceded

  • Recall that the Russian Ministry of Defense recently announced the start of preparations for exercises using non-terrible weapons for exercises using non-strategic nuclear weapons.
  • It also became known that in Belarus near the town of Osipovichi they are building a military base where the Russians can store nuclear weapons.

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