Home » The lawyer told what to do in the event of the death of a Ukrainian abroad

The lawyer told what to do in the event of the death of a Ukrainian abroad

by alex

If a citizen of Ukraine died abroad, he can be buried in a foreign country or the body can be delivered to his homeland.

The chairman of the Law Association Kravets and Partners, lawyer Rostislav Kravets.

, told Facts ICTV about this

What to do if a Ukrainian died abroad, read further in the material.

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According to the lawyer, in the event of the death of a Ukrainian abroad, a death certificate must be obtained. It is issued by local authorities.

Registration of the death of Ukrainian citizens who died abroad is carried out by the consul at the last place of residence of the deceased, at the place of death, discovery of the body of the deceased or at the place of burial.

You will also need to obtain a certificate of cause of death from the medical institution.

Next, you should inform the Ukrainian consulate or Ukrainian missions in the country about the death of a person in order to obtain a Ukrainian certificate.

How to deliver the body of a deceased person in another country to Ukraine

As for delivering the body to Ukraine, there are a very large number of companies that provide appropriate assistance, the lawyer notes.

The body of the deceased can be delivered in a coffin or in an urn. Usually transportation takes 1-3 days.

The time it takes to deliver the body also depends on the cause of death of the person. If it is an unnatural death, then we have to wait while the investigation continues. The delivery of the body itself takes a day or two, no more. At the same time, there are cases when funeral companies can deliver a body up to a month.

Transportation of the deceased is carried out by special services after registration and certification of the necessary documents (death certificate, certificate from the morgue confirming the embalming of the body, documents from the sanitary-epidemiological service, certificate of sealing of the coffin), as well as the provision of permission for transportation coffin with the body of the deceased to Ukraine.

Specialized companies can transport the body of the deceased by hearse, train or air.

Is it possible to bury a person in another country

If a citizen of Ukraine died abroad, he can be buried in another country. Local governments provide such options to foreigners.

As Kravets points out, this can be inexpensive. The cost will depend on the place and country where the deceased will be buried.

In addition, local authorities or the community in which the person died can help financially with the burial.

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