Home » the Kremlin tried to hide the grandiose loss, but showed desperation

the Kremlin tried to hide the grandiose loss, but showed desperation

by alex

Russia is trying to blackmail the world with gas, but it is no longer successful/Illustration from Lana Zerkal's Facebook

“Gazprom” stopped another Nord Stream turbine. Again. Only if at the beginning of the summer someone else was afraid of this, today the Russians just got everyone with their switching on and off of the pipe.


Despair of the losers

We thought it was some kind of geopolitical game, but in fact the Kremlin “strategists” behave like a child threatening to get frostbite on their ears to spite their mother.

Even the German officials have understood everything, are demonstrating restraint and are preparing to go through the winter season without Russian gas. What happened, where did they get such courage? It's very simple – they finally realized that Russian gas blackmail is a sign of desperation. the Kremlin hides the loss in the economic sphere.

It is not for nothing that macroeconomic information is now strictly classified there. It is forbidden to publish information on export and import operations, there is no data on the inflow and outflow of capital, there is no data on investments, no information on the actual amount of oil and gas production.

What is really going on with the economy of our enemy? Let's look at indirect data. A thousand international corporations left Russia (in whole or in part). Together they were responsible for 40% of GDP. They were followed by another 500,000 Russians themselves, mostly highly educated and wealthy. Another 5 million Russians were left without work as a result of the exit of international companies.

The automotive industry is close to collapse – the production of the Niva SUV without airbags will not block the decline in production, which employed another 3.5 million Russians.

In total, at the end of April, the Russian Ministry of Labor published information about 9 (!) Million people who “changed their working conditions.” Behind the Soviet wording is either the loss of a job or the transition to a several-day week.

Numbers convince the best

Can you imagine what risks the Russian authorities have to deal with? Their closest ally, China, has already understood everything. You should not pay attention to political rhetoric, pay attention to the investments of the Middle Kingdom. They completely curtailed investments in Russia as part of the One Belt, One Road megaproject.

So Germany understood everything. It is these numbers, and not the sudden appearance of character, that allow the German government to so boldly declare that they will “winter the winter without Russia.” Their Wandel durch Handel (“Change Due to Trade”) policy ended for a banal reason. It's already pointless to trade with the Russians, you can't even sell a Big Mac there.

Even Kissinger doesn't protect the Russians, only Orban alone. Still hoping for Friendship. Although, only Ukrainians know what real “Friendship” is.

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