Home » The Kremlin people put a huge pile on their heads: what answer will “fly” Russia

The Kremlin people put a huge pile on their heads: what answer will “fly” Russia

by alex

Once again I am convinced that I correctly called the puting – a bunker fucker**. They don't know how to “long strategy”, especially in times of war.

The Leg Shot Masters

This Morning in Ukraine – the most stupid and bloodthirsty step that could only be taken in their position, which, moreover, will drastically worsen their position.

In fact, the Kremlin people put a huge pile of shit on their own heads or shot themselves in the foot (if that’s clearer).

It is obvious that a massive blow to civilian infrastructure in Ukraine in terms of negative information impact in the global media space for the Kremlin will have the Tsushima effect.

From a military point of view, this is completely stupid. From the word “absolutely”. Rather, on the contrary, the level of motivation of the personnel of the armed formations of Ukraine will once again jump (although it is already such that it is better for bast shoes to hide).

The Kremlin “finishes” the remnants of its long-range and “high-precision” weapons, but spends them not on military purposes. This is stupid and very moronic.

What the Kremlin dwarf “won”

All the Kremlin agents in the civilized world, all sorts of useful idiots and others who have recently yelled “for peace with Russia”, now they will be forced, if not to shut up, then “pretend to be a rag”.

I will just keep quiet about the pace and volume of military-technical assistance and supplies to Ukraine. I think you can guess what will happen to them.

Well, besides, now any response from Ukraine and the civilized community in general to this barbarism will become not just “absolutely legitimate”, but even desirable. And, in any sphere: from financial and economic to military. The list in this sense can be long.

So, let's summarize. Two conclusions are possible here: they are really stupid, but very bloodthirsty morons. Among them (I mean those who are involved in decision-making), the one who works hard against them.

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