Home » the Kremlin is in a panic, looking for a way out of the war, – Russian opposition leader Gudkov

the Kremlin is in a panic, looking for a way out of the war, – Russian opposition leader Gudkov

by alex

the Kremlin is looking for a way out of the war/Collage 24 channel

The Kremlin has only one intention, how to get out of this water “dry”, that is, with some more or less decent result to end this war.


About it on air Channel 24said the Russian opposition politician Gennady Gudkov. According to him, the Kremlin understands that the war, which was conceived, planned and solemnly declared, has failed.

Gennady Gudkov emphasized that these people are now painfully and stressfully looking for a way out of this war . However, they haven't found it yet.

They really hope and until the end believe in a miracle that suddenly Ukraine will sit down with them at the negotiating table if they replace any nuclear power plant and threaten to destroy it. They have no more hope for anything, – said Gennady Gudkov.

A Russian opposition politician said that they see in the Kremlin:

  • The event stopped talking to them.< /li>
  • China has not proved to be the party that will give import-substituting properties to the entire economy and industry.
  • There will be an embargo.
  • Income is falling.
  • Financial situation getting worse.
  • The terrible state of industry in business.

“Everything is growing like a layer of snow. They understand this, so their task is to end the war as soon as possible. However, so that it can be sold for victory,” said Gennady Gudkov.

Watch the video with Gennady Gudkov on YouTube Channel 24:

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