Home » The invaders opened fire on Boyarka, Kiev region: 4 people were injured, including a child

The invaders opened fire on Boyarka, Kiev region: 4 people were injured, including a child

by alex

/Telegram of the Kyiv Regional Prosecutor's Office

The Russians shelled the city of Boyarka, Kiev region. As a result of an enemy attack, 4 people were injured, including a child.

Fastivska District Prosecutor's Office launched criminal proceedings on the shelling of the city of Boyarka by the occupying forces. The actions of the Russians were qualified as a violation of the laws and customs of war.

The Russians shelled Boyarka

According to the investigation, on March 26 Russian invaders opened fire on the town of Boyarka. As a result of the attack, according to preliminary information, 4 people were injured. There is a minor child among the victims.

Among the infrastructure damaged by the occupiers are multi-storey and private residential buildings, garages and other real estate.

The prosecutor's office emphasized that such actions of Russian troops pose a direct threat to life and the health of the civilian population and are contrary to the norms of international humanitarian law.

The situation in Slavutych

Recall that on the morning of March 26, Russian troops kidnapped the mayor of Slavutych, Yury Fomichev, and seized the hospital. Later he was released. The mayor, together with local residents, took part in a pro-Ukrainian rally on the main square of Slavutych. The invaders have left the city center and are standing around.

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