Home » The invaders killed a 6-year-old child in Lisichanskoe: heavy fighting in the Mountain community

The invaders killed a 6-year-old child in Lisichanskoe: heavy fighting in the Mountain community

by alex

Russian infidels continue to terrorize the Lugansk region. Cities holding the defense receive a huge amount of enemy projectiles and attacks. As a result of one such attack, a 6-year-old child died.

Lysichansk, which continues to hold out under the onslaught of the Russian occupation invasion, is shelled every day. In another evening address, the head of the Luhansk OVA Serhiy Gaidai said that a child was killed in one of the shellings in the city.

The Russians killed a 6-year-old child who was in Lisichansk. Powerful shelling of the city continues.

According to Sergei Gaidai, humanitarian aid is delivered to Lisichansk every day, and from there the necessary aid is delivered by car to different settlements of the region.

The chairman of the UVA also said that Heavy fighting continues in the Mountain Community of Lugansk Oblast – Ukrainian soldiers are steadfastly holding the line and do not allow the Russian occupiers to seize even more territory.

Gaidai stressed that there is no threat of cordoning off the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from Russian militants.

The situation in the Lugansk region of the past day

During the day on June 11, shelling opened on 14 cities and villages of the region. It is currently impossible to establish the exact number of deaths in Severodonetsk, as active fighting continues there.

  • Local residents are constantly in shelters, but this does not always save. After all, Russian infidels shell the residential areas of Severodonetsk for hours. In doing so, they use heavy artillery.
  • On June 11, the Russians fired again at the Azot chemical plant. Fuel and lubricants caught fire on the territory of the transport shop. Also, one of the premises of LLC “Severodonetsk Stekloplastik” was hit.
  • In addition, the kafirs got into the rescue range, which is located outside the city. Massive shelling also covered the neighboring villages of Severodonetsk – Pavlograd and Sinetsky.
  • As a result of the shelling, residential buildings were destroyed: 10 each in Zolote and Vrubovka, 2 in Nikolaevka and 4 in Lisichansk. Also, a shopping center and a store were destroyed in Lisichansk.
  • The invaders killed a woman in Lisichansk with their shelling. In addition, 2 more people – a man and a woman – were injured. They were taken to hospitals in other regions of Ukraine.
  • The enemy continues assault operations in Severodonetsk and near Toshkovka. The Armed Forces of Ukraine repelled the offensive of the occupiers in the area of ​​Vrubovka, Metelkino, Popasny and in the direction of Mykolaivka.

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