Home » The intelligence spoke about the likely candidate to replace Putin

The intelligence spoke about the likely candidate to replace Putin

by alex

Patrushev is preparing a replacement for Putin/RosSMI

The elite of Russian infidels is feverishly thinking about a possible change in political course. The oligarchs began to lose a large fortune and understand that in the future the situation will only become more complicated. that the sanctions have not yet had their peak impact on Russia's economic performance. He said this on the air of the national telethon, channel 24 reports.

At the same time, the business elite of Russians associated with foreign capital understands that Putin is leading them nowhere, so the oligarchs and businessmen are ready to consider changing the political course.

As for the information that Patrushev is planning his son to replace Putin, there is no confirmation yet. But Patrushev has a plan to introduce him to the highest echelons of power,” Skibitsky said. now closest to the power of Putin's world. He scares the Russian dictator with constant conspiracies and attempts on his life, therefore he has the greatest trust from Putin.

Patrushev is a native of the KGB system, therefore he is quite capable of weaving intrigues in the Kremlin. He also hopes for the support of the oligarchy, which has suffered due to sanctions for Russia's attack on Ukraine.

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