Home » The instinct of self-preservation will kick in: why is it important for the United States to approve further assistance to Ukraine

The instinct of self-preservation will kick in: why is it important for the United States to approve further assistance to Ukraine

by alex

The US Congress will not have time to allocate funds to Ukraine until the end of 2023. The White House has made progress in negotiations with the Republicans, so it hopes to approve aid in January 2024.

International political scientist Ruslan Osipenko at 90% I am sure that the United States will provide money to our state. He told Channel 24 about this, adding that the question is not even about helping Ukraine. This is about preserving America's leading role in the world.

“If Ukraine loses, it will be the third loss in a row for Americans abroad. They lost Iraq, they lost Afghanistan. And if they lose now in Ukraine, then America will be dictated by conditions – how to live and what to do,” the political scientist and international affairs specialist emphasized. Since the issues of the future of the United States of America and its ordinary citizens are being decided in Ukraine. Taking this into account, sooner or later the Senate will vote on the allocation of funds to Ukraine.

Confrontation between Biden and Trump

According to Osipenko, the delay in approving aid to Ukraine is not even due to inter-party clashes between Republicans and Democrats. We are talking about a more global, namely personal confrontation between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

Trumpists in the election race are trying to defeat the Democrats on any important issues. For example, since October 25, the House of Representatives of Congress has been headed by Republican Mike Johnson, who decides to put certain issues to a vote. Usually what the Democratic Party proposes is criticized and drawn out for a long period of discussion.

Aid to Ukraine united two parties and two chambers, united Americans. The Trumpists realized that the issue was extremely important for the current administration, chose it as a discussion point and turned the discussion 180 degrees. They began to associate it with internal issues, that first aid to us, and then to Ukraine or other countries,” noted Ruslan Osipenko.

The reason for blocking aid to Ukraine by the Republicans is their desire to strengthen the border with Mexico. It is on the issue of border and migration that Republicans and Democrats cannot come to an agreement.

US Aid to Ukraine: the main thing

  • Back in October, the White House released a request to the US Congress for funding for a relief package totaling $106 billion, which would include most of the support for Ukraine, as well as to respond to situation in Israel and other pressing needs.
  • December 6, a bill to finance aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan did not pass a procedural vote in the US Congress due to Republican demands for stricter immigration politics.
  • Before the vote, US President Joe Biden called on the Senate to urgently pass an aid package to Ukraine. According to him, if the Republicans do not allocate funds to our state, then Vladimir Putin will seize Ukraine and will not stop there – he will go further to the NATO states, and the United States will be forced to send American troops to fight the Russians.
  • December 18, The Hill noted that Republicans and Democrats in the United States Senate reported positive changes in border security negotiations, which became the basis for the decision to provide aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. < /li>

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