Home » The highest figures ever – weather forecaster for January 2023

The highest figures ever – weather forecaster for January 2023

by alex

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There were two major heat waves in Ukraine in January of this year. In particular, on the first days of the month and from the 18th to the 21st. Temperature records were recorded in most regions of Ukraine. In some places, the indicators even corresponded to mid-April.

This was told in an exclusive interview with Channel 24 by the weather forecaster of the Ukrhydrometeorological center Natalia Ptuha. It is interesting that we are talking about the highest figures in the history of meteorological observations.

January records were broken precisely in 2023

At 115 weather stations, approximately for two periods, – 1 – 3 and 18 – 21 January, experts recorded the maximum daily and sometimes even average daily temperatures.

These were the highest figures in the history of instrumental observations: for Kyiv – 143 years, for other meteorological stations of Ukraine – about 100 years, – said Ptukha. p>

The weather forecaster added that such indicators throughout the country, of course, are quite abnormal. In some places the temperature even corresponded to mid-April. The maximum pluses were recorded not only for a specific date, but for the whole month.

So we can say that January records were broken this year, – Natalya Ptukha emphasized.

Pay attention! Ukraine's national temperature record was also updated in January. In particular, on Epiphany in Dzhankoy, the air warmed up to +21.1 degrees.

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