Home ยป The Height of Cynicism: Georgia's Ruling Party Puts Up Billboards Showing Destroyed Cities in Ukraine

The Height of Cynicism: Georgia's Ruling Party Puts Up Billboards Showing Destroyed Cities in Ukraine

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The height of cynicism: in Georgia, the ruling party hung up billboards with destroyed cities of Ukraine Anzhelika Baibak

Pro-Russian Georgian Dream party showed destroyed Ukrainian cities/Screenshot from video

The pro-Russian Georgian Dream party published an election video and billboards with destroyed Ukrainian cities. Pro-Russian politicians added a cynical caption: “Say no to war! Choose peace.”

The cynical footage was published on the Georgian Dream party's Facebook page. Photos of the billboards are also being distributed online, reports 24 Channel.

Cynical billboards have appeared in Georgia

The pro-Russian Georgian Dream party, which is now pro-government, has published a cynical election video. In the short video, pro-Russian politicians showed bombed Ukrainian cities. Among the photographs on the banners are photographs of the destroyed Mariupol, as well as destroyed buildings and churches.

Billboards with destroyed Ukrainian cities in Georgia/Photo from networks

The ruling party of Georgia contrasts the horrific footage of the destruction inflicted by Russia in the bloody war with new buses, bridges, fountains and new buildings in Batumi. The height of cynicism in this video and on the banners is the inscription: “Say no to war! Choose peace.”

Cynical video of the “Georgian Dream”: watch the video

The footage and billboards also feature election numbers of Georgian opposition parties and associations. Thus, the pro-Russian Georgian Dream party is hinting that this could happen if the opposition comes to power.

It is worth noting that Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili criticized the banners. The country's leader called them “shameful and pathetic.”

How pathetic do you have to be to shamelessly offer your people a poster made in the KGB forge, Zurabishvili wrote online.

At the same time, the Georgian Dream party quite calmly admits that the billboards and videos are part of the election campaign, the purpose of which is supposedly to remind the population “where the opposition is leading the country.” Pro-government, pro-Russian politicians claim that Georgia will face war if the opposition comes to power.

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