Home » The headquarters of the trump accused the popular social network bias

The headquarters of the trump accused the popular social network bias

by alex

Donald Trump

Campaign headquarters of U.S. President Donald trump accused the social network Facebook in bias after a fragment of an interview of the head of state was removed due to “misinformation about coronavirus”. It is reported The Hill.

According to the Deputy leader of the election campaign trump Courtney Parella, such steps are another symbol of the bias in Silicon valley against the President, when rules are imposed in one direction only. She added that the company that owns social media, have no right to decide who is right and who is not.

Previously the social network Facebook has removed a video of trump, in which the President of the United States reports about allegations of coronavirus. The management of the network drew attention to the fragment of the interview of the head of state, in which he stated that the children are practically immune to the coronavirus.

The microblogging service Twitter also removed the entry. The representative of the social network of Nick Pacilio wrote in his account that the tweet campaign headquarters trump broke the rules about the misinformation about the virus.

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