Home ยป The government unveiled a new procedure for booking workers during mobilization

The government unveiled a new procedure for booking workers during mobilization

by alex

During an all-out war, some business leaders may have their employees canceled from the draft. The Cabinet of Ministers has recently determined a new procedure for this procedure.

The officials have already published a document on the new booking procedure. It was approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 76 of January 27.

What the new order implies

First of all, the officials emphasized that enterprises belonging to critical ones, performing mobilization tasks or producing goods, works and services for the military, can reserve up to 50% of their conscripted workers for up to 6 months.

In addition, the heads of these enterprises and their deputies liable for military service, as well as employees of the fuel and energy complex according to the list of the Ministry of Energy, are subject to booking, regardless of military rank, age and military specialty.

According to the order, an enterprise is critical to the economy if it meets three of the seven criteria:

  • total amount of taxes and other fees paid (from 1.5 million euros);
  • amount foreign currency receipts (equivalent to 32 million euros);
  • strategic importance for the economy and security of the country according to the Cabinet of Ministers No. 83 of 2015;
  • important to meet the needs of the territorial community;
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  • no outstanding ERUs;
  • salary not less than the average salary for the region for the fourth quarter of 2021;
  • Action City residence.

Pay attention! Fuel and energy enterprises, state or municipal cultural institutions, enterprises in the field of healthcare, education and science, physical culture and sports, and social security need only meet two criteria.

This relaxation also applies to “linear audiovisual media broadcasting terrestrial multi-channel (digital) television broadcasts.

In addition, critical ones include:

  • United Nations specialized agencies,< /li>
  • foreign diplomatic institutions in Ukraine,
  • representative offices of donor institutions,
  • executors of international technical assistance projects,
  • representative offices of international organizations,
  • international and Ukrainian non-governmental organizations implementing humanitarian projects at the expense of international partners, according to the list, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Civil servants are also subject to booking

As for state authorities, they are subject to a similar principle of booking up to 50% of employees without taking into account management and the entire period of mobilization.

Reservations are subject to military service:

  • holding civil service positions of categories “A” and “B”,
  • heads of ministries and their deputies,
  • heads of state bodies,
  • government bodies whose jurisdiction extends to the entire territory of Ukraine, and their deputies,
  • heads of independent structural units of such bodies and their deputies,
  • employees of patronage services.

In local self-government bodies, regardless of military rank, age and military specialty, those liable for military service holding positions of the first – fourth category of positions are subject to booking, while the quota of 50% applies to positions of the fifth – seventh categories.

Are Old Order Reservations Valid

The ruling states that a booking already granted to an employee under the old procedure willremain valid for the duration for which they were provided.

At the same time, in case of loss of grounds for booking (completion of the mobilization task, dismissal, dissolution of the state body), the document is canceled.

Recall that the law on new The Employee Reservation Rules went into effect on November 30th. Until that time, booking was regulated by a government decree of March 3, 2022, according to which the Ministry of Economy can grant deferrals for up to six months and extend them for a maximum of two months.

So far, it is known that 28,000 enterprises have been involved in the implementation of mobilization tasks , and 814 thousand people have a deferment from mobilization.

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