Home » The FSB went crazy in the Luhansk region: they carry out massive raids and even detain collaborators

The FSB went crazy in the Luhansk region: they carry out massive raids and even detain collaborators

by alex

FSB officers sent to counteract pro-Ukrainian citizens in the temporarily occupied territory of the Luhansk region have become seriously more active. At the same time, it is often not the patriots of Ukraine who suffer from their criminal activities.

According to Channel 24 sources in the Ukrainian intelligence services , the activation of Putin's colleagues is not at all connected with the introduction of some new security protocols, but solely with the need to submit “correct” reports. That is why the FSB agents massively open criminal proceedings, accusing local residents of “cooperating with the SBU.”

Interestingly, most of the raids and detentions by Russian terrorists were carried out not in the cities recently captured by the occupiers, but in the territory that Russia has controlled for more than 9 years.

Detained 79-year-old separatist

  • Apparently, the FSB officers were ordered to demonstrate to their superiors their effectiveness in countering “Ukrainian saboteurs.”
  • Probably, in this way the leaders of the Russian intelligence service will try to rehabilitate themselves before the top military-political leadership for the holes in their own borders.
  • So that Putin and his entourage do not rage and punish the FSB generals, they ordered their subordinates to imitate violent activity both directly in Russia and in the temporarily occupied territories.
  • However, in the Donetsk region there is no significant activation of war criminals from this service yet, but in the Luhansk region the invaders decided to follow the instructions of the leadership “subject to certain circumstances.”
  • In order not to go to the front-line zones, the FSB officers conduct raids literally at their places of deployment.
  • Of course, at the same time, none of them bothered to search for people who do not actually support Russia in this war – literally everyone who accidentally fell into the field of view of Russian special services fell under the distribution.

For example, in Alchevsk , the invaders detained a waitress from one of the local restaurants, who allegedly badly served the employees of the local MGB during their lunch. An innocent woman was accused of trying to collect secret information about the location of the FSB cell, which is already known to everyone.

In Kadievka (former Stakhanov), the invaders went completely crazy and carried out a raid with a random selection of targets. Enemy intelligence services, together with assault groups, simply entered the nearest high-rise buildings, knocked out the doors of apartments and detained everyone who was inside. Of course, at the same time, during the searches, the Lubyanka Horde “found” weapons, nationalist literature, portraits of Bandera and all other things that the FSB bastards usually plant as material evidence of work in Ukraine.

This is how the invaders detained a 79-year-old local resident, who in 2014 went to the “referendum” and generally supported Russian aggression in every possible way. Now a woman can be mercilessly imprisoned for several years, although she did not pose any threat to the invaders and their regime at all.

In total, from March 5 to March 7, in the small rear towns of the Lugansk region, the FSB officers “packed” more than 60 people. At the same time, 59 of them turned out to be fans of the “LNR”, and that only Ukrainian patriot accused of “collaboration with the SBU” was detained simply by accident, because his neighbor had reported on the man to the stormtroopers.

Tortured and forced to confess everything

    It is not yet clear how long the openly punitive raids of the FSB in the Luhansk region will continue. What is clear, however, is that most of those detained on trumped-up charges are unlikely to return home. At the same time, it is known for certain that the terrorists keep all local residents in basements in inhuman conditions, torture them and force them to confess to crimes that none of them committed.

    However, the Russian special services will still release a certain number of people. Those who agree to ransom their lives. The cost of such a service starts from 5 thousand dollars, but the invaders put one condition. The victims should not receive this amount from the funds that they kept at home. Because, of course, during all the searches, the FSB officers take away all the valuable property of the victims, and, as the invaders themselves say, “nationalized does not count.”

    So in the near future, loud statements about “exposing a network of saboteurs” or something like that may be heard in the Russian information space. At the same time, the invaders will show videos with testimonies of residents of the occupied Luhansk region, who, of course, will tell everything that the executioners tell them.

    Moreover, most likely, the FSB officers will carry out similar raids in the Crimea and the Donetsk region until the criminals collect the number of detainees they need to fulfill the plan.

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