Home ยป The former commander of the Russian nuclear submarine revealed the secret of the missile strike

The former commander of the Russian nuclear submarine revealed the secret of the missile strike

by alex

Igor Kurdin

After the nuclear submarine uses all the missile weapons on board to strike, the submarine is re-aimed at a torpedo attack by enemy warships or an aircraft carrier strike group. The secret of the strike was revealed in an interview with RIA Novosti by the former commander of the nuclear submarine (nuclear submarine), Captain I Rank Igor Kurdin.

However, according to him, in the case when a cruiser releases all missiles at once, it becomes visible to the enemy's anti-missile defense (ABM) systems, as a result of which it will most likely be destroyed by them. Meanwhile, according to Kurdin, American submariners, unlike Russian ones, do not fire ballistic missiles in the Arctic, since “in quasi-coordinates, their firing accuracy is very low.”

Therefore, according to him, secret multipurpose American submarines operate in the Arctic, whose task is not to use ballistic missiles at the enemy, but to search for Russian nuclear submarines in order to “have time to destroy them before [rocket] launch.”

In January, the American magazine The National Interest published an article in which three out of five nuclear submarines “capable of destroying the world in 30 minutes” ended up from Russia, the other two from the United States. The publication presented a similar rating in June 2018.

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