Home » The first press conference during a full-scale war: what cynical statements did Putin make?

The first press conference during a full-scale war: what cynical statements did Putin make?

by alex

Putin held a press conference on December 14/Photo by Getty Images

On December 14, Vladimir Putin holds an annual press conference and the so-called “direct line” with the press and people. This is the Russian president's first major press conference since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

The press conference is expected to last at least an hour. What Putin said on the “direct line” and what cynical statements were made – reports Channel 24.

Putin's main points

The Russian President began a large press conference at 11:10 and began communicating with journalists. First of all, Putin began to boast about the “Russian economy” and “stable financial system.” He also added that the “national debt” was supposedly being reduced. Interestingly, the Russian president later began to complain that Russia was faced with problems in payments in dollars and euros.

Putin also began boasting that the unemployment rate was falling. Considering that the Russian population is constantly mobilized and sent to the so-called “special operation”, it is not surprising. borders, ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens.

Commenting on the situation in the temporarily occupied Ukrainian territories, Putin said that Russia allegedly plans to “invest a trillion rubles” every year. The Russian president traditionally accused Ukraine of his cynical inventions, saying that the “Kiev regime” allegedly “did not pay enough attention.”

After the praise, Putin was asked when the so-called “special operation” would end. To which the Russian president gave the traditional speech about “denazification” and “demilitarization.”

There will be peace when we achieve our goals. They do not change – this is the denazification of Ukraine, demilitarization, its neutral status,” Putin said.

Putin’s cynical statement: watch the video

The Russian president began to tell fantasies that supposedly Ukraine was ready to “adopt some bills” on “denazification.” Moreover, he stated that the relevant agreements were allegedly reached in Istanbul.

Speaking of demilitarization, Putin began to complain that the West continues to support Ukraine. However, he cynically stated that supposedly “the freebie may soon end.” Moreover, Putin accused Ukraine, which “does not want to negotiate,” so Russia is “forced to use military force.”

Traditionally, the Russian dictator called Ukrainians and Russians “brotherly peoples,” and the bloody war unleashed by the Kremlin, according to Putin, is “civil.”

Russia has been trying to build normal relations with Ukraine for decades. What is happening now in relations with Ukraine looks like a civil war, Putin cynically said.

He also began to complain that after 2014 it became clear that Russia ” will not allow us to build normal relations with Ukraine.”

Issues of mobilization were also not ignored at Putin's press conference. The Russian president began to invent fairy tales that supposedly there was only one wave of mobilization in the country and there was no need for a second yet. Putin cynically called the occupiers “heroes” and reported on 300 thousand mobilized. . The guys fight well, 14 heroes of Russia, not to mention other orders. Currently, 244 thousand are in the combat zone. There were many good specialists among them,” Putin said.

Naturally, the Russian president cannot admit the colossal losses of the Russian army. According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Ukrainian defenders have already liquidated 342,800 occupiers’ personnel.

No matter how Putin avoids questions about the war in Ukraine, however, questions have to be answered. Thus, journalists asked how many Russians are now in the so-called “special operation zone.” According to Putin, there are now 617 thousand occupiers fighting against Ukraine.

It’s interesting that Putin was reluctant to talk about the Wagnerites. He avoided the name at all costs and simply spoke about “private military companies.”

In addition, Putin also thanked the Russians who are helping in the war against Ukraine. According to him, Russians donated more than 10 billion rubles to support the occupiers in the war against Ukraine.

On the so-called “direct line”, Putin said that he plans to meet with Turkish President Recep Erdogan in early 2024. The Russian President plans to travel to Turkey.

I think we will be able to meet with Erdogan. I really plan. That's what I planned quite recently. But President Erdogan did not work out according to his schedule. I was ready to fly to Turkey, I told him about it. Well, it didn't work out according to schedule. His, not mine. This happens,” Putin said.

It should be noted that Turkey has not ratified the Rome Statute and does not recognize the decisions of the International Criminal Court. That is, Putin does not face arrest under an international warrant if he flies to Turkey.

The Russian president, answering questions from journalists, began to fantasize about “future victories.” In his propaganda speeches, Putin said that Russia would supposedly “win” because it “fought for so many years” for the “Donetsk Republic”.

We have been fighting for the Donetsk Republic for so many years, we have not given up, and I am sure that victory will be ours,” Putin said cynically.

It is worth adding that the Russian president “wins” only in their fantasies, because Russia has no success at the front, but only suffers insane losses. Analysts at the Institute for the Study of War also talk about this. They, together with US intelligence, argue that the infidels do not want to seize territory with their offensive operations, but are trying to weaken Western support. However, they also fail to do this, because Europe continues to support the Ukrainians. In particular, this is evidenced by the data of a new survey.

What experts say about Putin's press conference: latest news

  • Kremlin Speaker Dmitry Peskov announced on December 1 that Vladimir Putin will hold an annual large press conference and the so-called “direct line”. He added that during the press conference, anyone will be able to ask a question.
  • However, experts say that nothing incredible should be expected from the conference – this is a carefully choreographed performance. In particular, Russian opposition politician Gennady Gudkov. In his opinion, Putin is a priori incapable of conducting a discussion, because he is not used to anyone opposing his opinion.
  • The head of the Sitting Rus' Foundation, Olga Romanova, is also believes that Putin will not be given a single pressing question from the people. She predicted that Putin would talk about such “successes” as “the annexation of new territories” and about the “main enemies” – NATO and the USA. Experts claim that the Russian president will again talk about the “decaying West”, traditional values ​​and promote other “strong” theses.

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