Home » The first Peace Summit will coordinate positions, and the second will fix the real end of the war – Zelensky

The first Peace Summit will coordinate positions, and the second will fix the real end of the war – Zelensky

by alex

Participants in the inaugural Peace Summit in Switzerland must determine concrete next steps to achieve a just peace for Ukraine, so that the next, second Peace Summit will establish provisions for ending the war.

This was stated by President Vladimir Zelensky during a meeting of representatives of the countries participating in the Peace Summit.

World Summit — the first step towards ending the war

The head of state emphasized that the inaugural Peace Summit will be the first step towards a just end to Russia’s war against Ukraine.

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— When we finish this war fairly and honestly for Ukraine, on the basis of international law, then every state in the world will be able to count on the same justice and honesty, on the same effectiveness of the UN Charter in relation to their rights, — he said.

Thus, in the future, the President continued, the words of the preamble to the UN Charter will once again acquire their full force: We, the peoples of the United Nations, are determined to save the coming generation from the misfortunes of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold grief to humanity and to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and in the equal rights of nations large and small, and to create conditions under which justice and respect for obligations arising from treaties and other sources can be maintained international law.

According to Zelensky, the words of the UN Charter also describe the essence of the Peace Formula that Ukraine initiated.

What the Peace Summit will focus on

The Ukrainian head of state continued that the inaugural Peace Summit will focus on the priority points of the Peace Formula, namely: radiation and nuclear safety, human security and food security.

— We will focus on these priority points of the World Formula. In the process of working on them, we can reach agreement and create an action plan for each point in the formula, — he said.

The President of Ukraine added that the inaugural Peace Summit includes three panels where each country can show its leadership.

— What this summit can bring? Firstly, to prove that the return of security is possible. Second, provide a realistic plan to make every step toward peace work — from nuclear and food security to the return of prisoners and deportees, to the complete end of the war without the threat of it starting. I believe it is possible — Zelensky said.

The head of state emphasized that today “there is no need to reinvent the wheel, when the UN Charter already defines the foundations of peace and normal coexistence of peoples”.

— We should just go back to them — return them to effectiveness. This is the World Formula. And for this, we need to decide how countries will cooperate and which will be co-leaders in order to fix and implement an action plan for each point of the Peace Formula. These are clear and achievable goals. Today we can give political impetus to implement all the steps necessary for real peace, — he stated.

Vladimir Zelensky recalled that Russia is not at the Peace Summit, because “if Russia were interested in peace, then there would be no war“, he said.

— We must decide together what a just peace means for the world and how it can be achieved in a truly lasting way. The basis for us is the UN Charter. And then, when the action plan is on the table, agreed upon by everyone and transparent to the peoples, then it will be brought to the attention of Russian representatives. And then at the second Peace Summit we will be able to record the real end of the war. Now we are starting this path. Together we must prove that a united world — this is peace for the entire planet, a world that knows how to act correctly, — Zelensky summarized.

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