Home » The first occupier to be in The Hague: Swithan told interesting facts from his biography

The first occupier to be in The Hague: Swithan told interesting facts from his biography

by alex

The co-founder of the so-called Redut PMC, Igor Salikov, unexpectedly arrived in Europe. He is ready to testify about the crimes of the Russian army at the International Criminal Court. This man has done a lot of trouble.

A military man told Channel 24 about this expert, reserve colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and instructor pilot Roman Svitan, noting that he is familiar with Igor Salikov.

Who is Salikov

As Svitan noted, Salikov was among the Russian GRU. In 2014, he, together with Alexander Borodai, who later became the first “prime minister” of Donetsk militants, entered Donbass from Russian territory with several units. They attacked the Ukrainian units.

Some of these “punchers” were involved in my being taken prisoner. Local Donetsk “cops” who provided information are also involved here. I found myself isolated. Salikov was the head of Borodai’s security. The latter participated in interrogations in isolation. When Borodai ordered to shoot me during the last interrogation, Salikov was also there,” said Svitan.

At one time, together with representatives of the International Criminal Court, a report was created on the stay of Svitan and about 60 people were captured in 2014-2015. Most likely, Salikov himself does not realize that his actions are remembered. And this is just one of the cases.

60 people who were tortured by both Boroday and Salikov. And this is just one report. A certain chain opens. Salikov understands perfectly well that someone will destroy him. Either our special services or Russian ones. The Russians probably want to destroy him in order to take away extra witnesses,” Svitan noted.

Now Borodai is a deputy of the Russian State Duma and the right hand of one of the local billionaires, Konstantin Malofeev. These people can get rid of their past. But for Ukraine, such occupiers are terrorists who have caused a lot of trouble. Therefore, justice will get to them someday.

This Salikov had a relationship with human rights activist Osechkin. Most likely, they decided to highlight this situation because Salikov needs to be kept somewhere. Both the Ukrainian and Russian special services, as well as the security of Boroday and Malofeev, are hunting for him. He needs to hide somewhere to survive until the trial. And the International Criminal Court can save him from immediate death, Svitan believes.

The Russian occupier addressed the ISS: briefly< /h2>

  • Igor Salikov, one of the co-founders of the so-called Redut PMC, fled to the Netherlands. There he is ready to testify about Russian war crimes at the International Criminal Court.
  • The occupier was a former officer of the Russian GRU. He was also a senior instructor at “Wagner” and “ex-colonel and head of the 4th department of the special operations department” of the so-called “prosecutor general's office” of Donetsk militants.
  • The office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine for six months already collaborates with Salikov. He provides evidence of Russian actions; its preparations for the invasion, which have been ongoing since 2013.

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