Home » The figure is impressive: the ambassador named the number of ships carrying grain stolen from Ukraine

The figure is impressive: the ambassador named the number of ships carrying grain stolen from Ukraine

by alex

The ambassador named the number of ships carrying grain stolen from Ukraine/UE

The grain stolen in Ukraine is transported by 87 ships. Vessels from different countries are involved in this deal.


Russians and the Russian occupation forces in Ukraine are involved in this deal. Igor Ostash, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Lebanon, spoke about this at a briefing.

How Russians illegally export grain from the occupied territories of Ukraine

Most of the stolen grain is transported by Syrian or Russian ships.

There is a criminal system that constantly transports stolen grain from Ukraine. It could be through Turkey, it could be directly to Syria, it could be to other countries in the Middle East. But this is such a criminal deal, in which, of course, the Russians, the Russian occupation troops in Ukraine, participate. Of course, Syrian, Russian, mostly ships, and not only,” he said.

All the time, ships that are loaded into Crimea follow criminal routes, exclude their AIS, transponders and beacons – all in order to be invisible. Obviously, the Russians are trying to hide something and avoid responsibility.

How to hold Russia accountable

The Ambassador stressed that it is important to refer to international maritime law, since all actions signal illegal work and illegal business.

It is obvious that the proposal is to work out seriously all these rules that exist within the International Maritime Organization in order to try to put up certain barriers here,” Ostash said.

By the way, the SBU recently named traitors who helped Russia steal more than 650,000 tons of Ukrainian grain. The security service managed to establish the entire chain of those involved in the crime – from the traitors who signed the “permits” for the export of Ukrainian grain, to all the crew members of 10 Russian ships, on which the loot is transported.

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