Home » The family, trapped under the rubble due to the attack on Zaporozhye, was rescued: it was shown on video

The family, trapped under the rubble due to the attack on Zaporozhye, was rescued: it was shown on video

by alex

Russia continues to terrorize Ukrainians at night. On October 12, the occupiers fired seven more missiles at the Zaporozhye region. Under the rubble were civilians, including a family with a child.

A man, a woman and their daughter had to be pulled out from under a house destroyed by the Russian military. The family was hiding from the missiles in the cellar, but the construction could not withstand the blow.

Another terrorist attack by Putin's fighters in Zaporozhye

The invaders shelled Zaporozhye and the suburbs on the night of October 12. In one of the villages, as a result of the impact, a house and outbuildings were destroyed.

In order to save the local residents, rescuers had to urgently remove the rubble with the help of special equipment. First, a girl was pulled out, then a woman and a man.

Fortunately, there were no casualties. The rescued family did not need medical help. The State Emergency Service also reported that 11 rescuers and two units of special equipment were working at the impact site.

Pay attention!the occupiers are shelling Zaporozhye every day. The biggest one is October 11th. The Russians hit more than 10 rockets at a kindergarten, a car showroom and high-rise buildings.

Rockets destroyed a sports ground and shattered windows in houses

The secretary of the Zaporozhye City Council said that the occupiers also “demilitarized” the football ground. Now in its place is a huge funnel. Fortunately, no casualties were reported.

Miraculously, the rocket didn't hit the house and kill people. In three adjacent high-rise buildings, in two educational institutions and in a medical institution, windows flew out, – said Anatoly Kurtev.

Windows flew out from Russian shelling in houses in Zaporozhye/Photo by the Zaporozhye City Council

Vyrva and the remnants of a Russian rocket on the sports ground/Photo by the Zaporozhye City Council

Important! Residents of Zaporozhye can report damage to their home by calling the following numbers: 15-80 (from landlines) or 061 787 15 80, 050 414 15 80, 067 656 15 80 .

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