Home » The exchange rate of the ruble in Russia is not real – you can’t buy a dollar for it, – economist

The exchange rate of the ruble in Russia is not real – you can’t buy a dollar for it, – economist

by alex

The ruble exchange rate in Russia is not real/Channel 24 collage

In Russia, they say that the ruble exchange rate is stabilizing. However, this is not true.

Oleg Pendzin, an economist and member of the Economic Discussion Club, said this on Channel 24.

As he explained, an ordinary Russian citizen cannot buy rubles at the rate declared by the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange – neither in exchange offices, nor in a bank.

Also, enterprises that want to buy something “unsanctioned” abroad, they will also not be able to purchase currency at this rate.

That is, today Russia has introduced severe currency restrictions due to the blocking of currency accounts of the Central Bank and the policy of the West. Therefore, that formal course is unrealistic,” Pendzin explained.

That's why you won't be able to buy the dollar in this way.

Another significant moment is the requirement to pay for energy resources to Europe in rubles. So they are pursuing the goal of forcing Europeans to circumvent sanctions in order to make the ruble a convertible currency. However, Russia will not be able to do this.

Russia demands to pay for gas in rubles: the main thing

  • At the end of March, Russian President Putin signed a decree on transferring payments for gas into rubles with countries , which Russia itself defines as “unfriendly”.
  • After that, most European states said they would not agree to this.
  • The European Commission warned member states that payment for Russian gas in rubles will violate the sanctions imposed against Russia after the invasion of Ukraine.
  • Thus, the Russian “Gazprom” from April 27 completely suspended gas supplies to Bulgaria and Poland due to its refusal to switch to payment in rubles.
  • < li> At the same time, Europe was ready for such a scenario. The EU is preparing a coordinated response.

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