Home » The European Commission will propose to make it easier for new members to join the EU – media

The European Commission will propose to make it easier for new members to join the EU – media

by alex

Today, March 20, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen may present proposals that will change the way new members are admitted to the EU.

Politico writes about this.

It was noted that in this way Brussels wants to gradually facilitate the entry of Ukraine, Moldova and the Western Balkans into the European Union.

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The idea is to allow countries in the “waiting room” to gain some of the benefits of membership, rather than having to wait years or decades while they implement necessary reforms.

— In particular, Brussels proposes to gradually allow candidate countries to join the single market — based on the proposal from France, Germany and Portugal, — the message says.

At the same time, EU leaders need to discuss what obligations should accompany certain levels and stages of market access.

The EU worries that a bloc of 30 or more members will be even more difficult to govern. Therefore, the European Commission proposes to move away from the requirement of unanimity. The document provides for qualified majority voting “with appropriate and proportional guarantees to take into account strategic national interests”.

The publication indicates that 27 European Commissioners are going to approve the document at today's meeting of the Board.

Ukraine's membership in the EU

In mid-December 2023, the EU decided to begin accession negotiations between Ukraine and Moldova.

In January 2024, the screening process officially began in Brussels, which lays the foundation for negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the European Union. This means assessing the compliance of Ukrainian legislation with EU standards.

European Union Ambassador to Ukraine Katarina Maternova is convinced that our state can become a full member of the EU before 2030.

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