Home » The EU positively assessed the implementation of the Association Agreement by Ukraine: what are the comments

The EU positively assessed the implementation of the Association Agreement by Ukraine: what are the comments

by alex

The EU published a report on the implementation of the requirements of the Association Agreement by Ukraine/Collage 24 channel

On July 26, the European Union published its annual report on the implementation of the Association Agreement in Ukraine. The assessment of the implementation of the agreements is generally positive, but there were some comments.


It is noted that the report covers the period from December 1, 2020 to February 24, 2022, that is, before the start of a full-scale invasion of Russia and before Ukraine acquires the status of an EU candidate. The document was published on the eve of the meeting of the Association Council, which is to be held on September 5 with the participation of our state and the European Union.

Ukraine must continue reforms, despite Russian aggression

It is noted that the published report outlines implementation of reforms by Ukraine within the framework of the Association Agreement. According to the conclusion, during this period, our state resisted the destabilizing actions of Russia, the situation in its own eastern regions and the coronavirus pandemic.

Despite this, Ukraine continued to give priority to the Association and further integration with the EU , and key reforms have gained momentum .

The reforms carried out to date within the framework of the Association allow Ukraine to confidently start a new stage of its relations with the EU after the decision of the European Council on the status of a candidate country for Ukraine. Russia's illegitimate and unprovoked military aggression against Ukraine will not remove the EU from supporting the reform agenda in Ukraine, EU High Representative Josep Borrell said.

EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Vargei added to Borrell's words that in 2021 Ukraine continued its reforms and European integration course. After the decision of the European Council on granting Ukraine candidate status, according to him, our state needs to continue reforms, especially in the areas of justice, the rule of law, the fight against corruption and fundamental rights.

This includes the adoption and implementation of legislation on the procedure for the selection of judges of the Constitutional Court, approving a comprehensive strategic plan for the reform of the law enforcement sector, as well as completing the reform of the regulatory framework for national minorities and adopting effective implementation mechanisms, Vargei specified.

The official also added that the EU will continue to support Ukraine on its European path and will help our state with post-war reconstruction.

EU key findings – successes and observations

  • There have been several positive developments in the areas of justice, the rule of law and the fight against corruption. In particular, the adoption of key laws aimed at reforming the High Council of Justice and restarting the High Qualifications Commission of Judges. At the same time, among the significant issues– Immediate reform of the Constitutional Court. At the same time, a new law on the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU) was adopted, creating a clear legislative framework for governance. At the same time, the selection process for the position of a new head of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAP) has not been completed. In the meantime, the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court continued to build up a solid reputation and a whistle-blower protection law was passed. Another important step in reforming the system of combating serious economic and financial crimes is the creation of the Economic Security Bureau (BEB).
  • The Ukrainian government has adopted a new public administration reform strategy in line with European principles. Recruitment for the civil service on the basis of length of service has resumed.
  • Ukrainian government interference in the management of state-owned energy company Naftogaz caused EU concernabout the reform of corporate governance in state-owned enterprises. The new bill passed its first parliamentary reading in July 2021 to bring Ukrainian legislation into guidelines.
  • The financial sector has remained profitable despite the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the events around the NBU raised concerns about the independence of the Ukrainian Central Bank and banking supervision.
  • In the energy sector, the wholesale electricity market continued to function, however, with certain signs of “manipulation”< /strong> .
  • Little progress recorded in environmental reforms. In the field of combating climate change, Ukraine has adopted and contributed to the Paris Agreement and the National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change. A focused dialogue has begun between the EU and Ukraine on the EU Green Deal and Ukraine's Green Transformation
  • Ukraine has continued to achieve significant progress in digital transformation . The Law on the Regulator of Telecommunications has been adopted, which is an important step in adapting Ukrainian legislation to the norms of EU legislation. Digital transformation has already contributed to more efficient and transparent governance, as well as fighting corruption.
  • Ukraine continues to meet visa liberalization criteria and has taken steps to implement the preliminary recommendations.
  • < li>Further efforts are needed in the direction of fighting corruption, money laundering and fighting organized crime .

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