Home ยป The EU plans to create a new satellite network for military intelligence

The EU plans to create a new satellite network for military intelligence

by alex

< IMG Title = "EU plans to create a new satellite network for military intelligence" Width = "632" Height = "356" SRC = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/08/gettyimage-1007616032x356.jpg" Class = "Main-Image-thumbnail WP-POST-IIMAGE" Alt = "Subatnutnik" Fetchpriority = "High" srcset = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/08/gettyimages-100760760760760760760760760760760760760760760760760760760760760760760EV https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/08/getyimages-10076160x169.jpg 300w, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/08/getyimages-100761608x432.jpg 768W, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/08/getyimages-10076160x113.jpg 200w, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-cloads/2025/03/08/getyimages-10076160.jpg 1280W "SIZES =" (MAX-WIDTH: 632PX) 100VW, 632PX " decoding = "async" /> < p > European Union is considering the possibility of creating a new satellite network for military intelligence, which would partially replace the capabilities of the United States of America. EU plans a new satellite network for military intelligence

< p > As the European Commissioner for Defense and Cosmos said Andryus Cublyus, the European Commission considers the possibility of expanding satellite capabilities to improve support for geospatial intelligence for safety, taking into account changes in the geopolitical situation. 62 > 62 > 62 ~ < p > according to journalists, negotiations on this issue have just begun.

are now watching < p > according to the preliminary plan, they plan to use a new network to identify threats, including the movement of forces, as well as for coordination of hostilities.

< blockquote >< p > — We strive to create a specific system as the state surveillance service of the Earth. She would have the latest technologies and high data availability, — Noted Cubilyus.

< p > next week the EU leaders are going to the summit to discuss defense costs proposed by the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Lyain. < p > < p > recently she stated that additional financial costs are needed to strengthen such spheres as air defense and missile defense, artillery systems and ammunition.

< p >

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