Home » The essence of Russia rests on three pillars

The essence of Russia rests on three pillars

by alex

The Russians stubbornly demonstrate their wild insides to the whole world/Commander-in-Chief

Now the St. Petersburg Economic Forum is taking place and his main session on Russian economic challenges.

The kneeling marathon continues

Putin's adviser Oreshkin speaks and says: “The events taking place now, how the state, business, people on what is happening in the economy, shows that we managed, we are a strong country, we are strong people, we can solve problems, we can achieve results. You just need to believe!”.

The essence of Russia rests on three pillars

Russians under no circumstances can can admit their crimes and mistakes/Photo “Word and Deed”

Three whales of the wild horde

This is the essence of Russians:

  • stupid stubbornness in one's own wrong (it doesn't matter if it's the party line, attempts to save oneself or genuine faith – they say it means they believe).
  • Unwillingness to admit the obvious (one's mistakes and what exactly they are and are the cause of the worsening of the situation, and not the mythical conspiracy of everyone around and the meaningless “I will now show you where the attack was prepared from …”). if he is not happy, then he is used to flowing around silently).

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