Home ยป The enemy took part of the troops from the Sumy region to Russia, explosions in the Kherson region: how the night went in the regions

The enemy took part of the troops from the Sumy region to Russia, explosions in the Kherson region: how the night went in the regions

by alex

How the night went in the regions of Ukraine/Valentina Polishchuk/Channel 24

Last night was calm in most regions of Ukraine. However, in several there were air raids, fighting and shelling.

The most restless was in the Donetsk region. There were also shelling in other areas. This is reported by the regional military administrations, channel 24 reports.

How was the night

In Zhytomyr, Dnepropetrovsk, Cherkasy, Poltava , MykolaivandOdessa regions there were air raid alerts at night. There were also alarms throughout the Kiev region.

In the Chernihiv region, the situation remained unchanged. The city is on the defensive.

In Sumy regionthe occupiers withdrew a significant part of the troops to the territory of Russia. From artillery, the invaders attacked the suburb of Sumy. There is no information about the destruction and casualties yet.

In the Kharkov region at night, the invaders fired at the cities of the region. Rescuers establish the number of victims. The most active fighting continues in the Izyum direction.

In the Zaporozhye region, the occupiers do not abandon attempts to storm in the direction of Zaporozhye. However, they have little success, but there are many wounded.

All cities in Luhansk region are under the control of Ukraine, but under constant shelling. In Rubizhne and Popasna, the battles went to the city center.

In Kherson region loud explosions sounded at night in areas that border on Mykolaiv and Dnepropetrovsk regions.

Kyiv region

Buchansky district was shelled with “Grads”. There were also rocket attacks. Fights took place in Makarov, Irpen and Gostomel. DRGs have become more active in the region, and the invaders are trying to rotate.

At night, the invaders cordoned off Slavutych, which they invaded in the morning.

Donetsk region

Orcs fired at houses in the area Marinka and destroyed more than 30 houses. One child was killed and three more were wounded.

The shelling of Avdiivka also continued. There is a lot of destruction in the city, due to which two people were injured – one of them was a child.

In the Avdeevka industrial zone, the orcs used phosphorus ammunition. There is no information as of 8:00 am about the victims. Mariupol remains under blockade.

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