Home » The enemy is concentrating large forces to capture the South – Malyar

The enemy is concentrating large forces to capture the South – Malyar

by alex

The enemy emphasizes large forces to seize the South./Screenshot from the video

The Ministry of Defense stated that Russia has set itself intermediate goals – to capture the South and East of Ukraine. For this, the Russian invaders are concentrating large forces.

Deputy Minister of Defense Anna Malyar, on the air of the national telethon, commented on the plans of the Russians to seize the southern and eastern regions of Ukraine, Channel 24 writes.

Russia seeks to seize the South of Ukraine

Malyar did not object that the aggressor state would again try to seize all of Ukraine.

The South, like the East, is also concentrating on itself the great efforts of the enemy to conquer this territory, – the deputy minister emphasized.

She added that these are the intermediate goals that the enemy sets for himself before entering the whole of Ukraine for the second time. Because the first time they did it was in 2014. Therefore, the South of Ukraine for the enemy, like the East, is strategically important. Maliar summed up that the situation there is really difficult.

Recall, the Deputy Minister also noted that the intensity of fighting is now high in the East, there is no lull.

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