Home » The enemy has been shelling industrial enterprises in the vicinity of Nikolaev since the morning

The enemy has been shelling industrial enterprises in the vicinity of Nikolaev since the morning

by alex

Russians once again warned Nikolaev/Collage 24 Channel

Russian invaders fired at industrial enterprises in the vicinity of Nikolaev in the morning.


The head of the Nikolaev OVA, Vitaly Kim, spoke about the consequences of the shelling. According to preliminary information, there are no casualties.

On the morning of August 7, at about 04:00, the enemy shelled industrial enterprises in the vicinity of the city. Previously without victims and victims. Detailed information is being specified, the message says.

The situation in the Mykolaiv region

According to the Yug operational command, during the day Mykolaiv was fired from multiple launch rocket systems “Smerch” and ” Hurricane At about 4:05 pm, the enemy tried to destroy industrial infrastructure – there were no casualties.

On August 6, the enemy fired at the settlements of the Pervomaiskaya community.In the morning they shelled open areas in the vicinity of the village of Konstantinovka, without casualties. Approximately at 17:00 as a result of the shelling of the village of Novonikolaevka, a residential building was damaged, one person was injured.

Also yesterday, during the day, the villages of Limany and Luparevo of the Galitsyn community were under enemy shelling. The hits were mainly in open areas outside the settlements – the dryness caught fire, there were no casualties.

  • Bashtansky district:

The shelling of the territory and nearby settlements of the Bereznegovatskaya community continues. During August 6, the village of Bereznegovaty received shelling – one person was killed, 5 were injured. Residential buildings and civilian infrastructure facilities were damaged.

Shelling continues outside the settlements of the Shirokovskoye Society.

  • Voznesensky District:

On the night of August 7, approximately at 02:12, the village of Taborovka of the Bug community was subjected to shelling – 3 residential buildings were destroyed. According to preliminary information, no casualties.

In Pervomaisky district, the day and night passed relatively calmly.

A protracted curfew continues in Nikolaev

On August 5, a curfew began in Nikolaev, which will last 2 days. Its main goal is to identify as many hostile sabotage and reconnaissance groups as possible.

By the way, the authorities of the Mykolaiv region announced a reward of $ 100 for information about spotters of Russian fire.

More about this – the occupiers shelled Nikolaev once again: watch video

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