Home » The defeat of landing ships in the Crimea and the aggravation near Bakhmut: events at the front in a week

The defeat of landing ships in the Crimea and the aggravation near Bakhmut: events at the front in a week

by alex

The full-scale war in Ukraine has continued for the 627th day. The occupiers are trying to break through the Ukrainian defense, massing their reserves in the Avdeevskoe direction, and near Bakhmut they are moving from defense to offensive actions.

However, in Zaporozhye the Armed Forces of Ukraine are trying to pass through the so-called Surovikin zone in order to reach the northern Azov region, and the GUR is destroying Russian warships in Crimea.

Read more about the main events of the war during the week in the ICTV Facts material.

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Avdeevskoe direction and Bakhmut

Zaporozhye direction

Kherson direction

The situation in the Black Sea and Crimea

Tauride direction

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Avdeevskoe direction and Bakhmut

The situation in the Avdeevsky direction remains unchanged. Avdeevka and Bakhmut remain important to Russian dictator Putin ahead of Russian elections due in the spring. The head of the Kremlin wants to show the Russians at least some results at the front, so he mercilessly throws thousands of soldiers into battle.

“In a month of fighting, they have already lost more than 15 thousand personnel killed and wounded – this is an incredible amount. More than a mechanized division (12.5 thousand people), says military expert Pyotr Chernik.

The expert noted that today, in the Avdeevsky direction, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are in the zone of strategic routine or strategic balance.

– We fight with motivation and high-quality equipment. They are fighting with a colossal number of people. The situation can change at any moment. In which direction, I will not undertake to predict now,” he emphasized.

Zaporozhye direction

We have had little success in the Zaporozhye direction. The defense forces advanced slightly towards Novoprokopovka and Verbovoy.

The defeat of landing ships in the Crimea and the aggravation near Bakhmut: events at the front in a week

The day before, a series of explosions occurred in temporarily occupied Berdyansk and Genichesk.

As the mayor of Melitopol, Ivan Fedorov, reported, the enemy is trying to hide equipment and personnel deep in the rear.

– The main task is to break through the Surovikin line, and remains so. But again, they dug in very seriously, they strengthened themselves very seriously. Well, they know how to dig. It’s hard to say, but there is a chance to collapse the southern bridgehead. If it collapses, this means access to the northern Azov region, conditionally to the Molochny Estuary region, cutting off the land corridor to Crimea. And then they will have to make a gesture of goodwill or we will surround cities like Melitopol and Tokmak,” Chernik said.

Kherson direction

In the Kherson direction, the occupiers changed the military leadership. General Mikhail Teplinsky was appointed the new commander of the Dnepr group of troops. As Natalya Gumenyuk, press secretary of the joint press center of the Southern Defense Forces, noted, the Kremlin usually changes military leadership when it realizes that previous tactics and strategies no longer work.

Yesterday, November 11, was the anniversary of the liberation of part of the Kherson region from Russian invaders. The region was under occupation for almost eight months. You can read how people defended the city, lived under occupation and waited for the arrival of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the link.

The situation in the Black Sea and Crimea

Ukrainian special services continue to destroy the Russian navy. The other day, the Main Intelligence Directorate confirmed the defeat of two Russian small landing boats near the Black Sea in the still occupied Crimea.

We are talking about Project 11770 Serna class boats. According to intelligence officers, the ships were carrying crew and armored vehicles, in particular BTR-82.

The invaders used small landing boats of the Serna class during the occupation of Zmeiny Island – they transferred military equipment and troops there.

In addition, the Russians placed Tor-M2 anti-aircraft missile systems on board the boats to provide mobile cover for their group on the island.

– Every destroyed piece of equipment is wonderful. Because they cannot restore them. The 1936 Montreux Doctrine in action. The Turks have closed the Bosporus and Dardanelles, nothing will sail there, period. This is not only a step forward, there is also a moral component. Because a country that did not have a navy achieved military parity with a country that had a full-fledged Black Sea Fleet, which was considered the strongest in the Black Sea, the expert emphasized.

Tauride direction

The commander of the operational-strategic group of troops of Tavria, Alexander Tarnavsky, said that in the Tavria direction the occupiers have increased the number of airstrikes, in particular with the use of guided bombs.

Over the past 24 hours alone, in the Tauride direction, the enemy carried out 30 airstrikes, conducted 48 military clashes and carried out 712 artillery shellings.

On Friday, November 10, President Vladimir Zelensky at the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Headquarters heard reports from commanders on the current situation in key areas of the front.

Those present also reviewed the military budget for 2024. The emphasis will be on the development of the defense-industrial complex so that Ukraine becomes more self-sufficient “in shells, missiles, drones, armored vehicles.”

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