Home » The Creator of the su-57 has promised a “major breakthrough”

The Creator of the su-57 has promised a “major breakthrough”

by alex

“Dry”, created the su-57, in conjunction with the “MiG” would work on a sixth generation fighter, RIA Novosti General Director of these two companies Ilya Tarasenko.

“Our competitors are the American and European aircraft manufacturers. And to maintain the leadership in the industry, we need to consolidate the best expertise existing in the companies “MiG” and “Dry”, and create a new sixth generation of aircraft,” promised the Manager.

According to him, “combining potential within the framework of common tasks and common goals is a tremendous opportunity to make a serious breakthrough.” “Foreign companies such opportunities have not,” — he stressed.

Also in an interview with Tarasenko has promised on the basis of the fighter-interceptor MiG-31 to create a promising aviation complex long-range interception (PAK, DP). The Manager added that by the end of 2019 the Commission of the Ministry of defense has selected corresponding to the most promising projects.

In December, 2019 in China su-57 declined to name the fighter of the fifth generation, referring it to a generation 4+++.

Earlier in the same month of the crashed su-57, which was to become the first serial fighter accepted into service Air and space forces (VKS) Russia.

In July 2018, Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov said that the su-35 is now considered one of the best aircraft in the world, so “it makes no sense to speed up the work for the mass production of fifth generation aircraft [su-57]”.

By 2028 videoconferencing needs to obtain 76 units of su-57. To date, produced 13 prototypes of the su-57, of which ten are samples for flight testing and three for ground static.

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