Home » The court sentenced the men who killed an ATO participant to death in Hydropark

The court sentenced the men who killed an ATO participant to death in Hydropark

by alex

In 2015, three men attacked 4 ATO participants near the Hydropark metro station and killed one of the soldiers. They were sentenced to 15 and 8 years in prison.

This was reported on October 21 at the office of the Prosecutor General. The survivors managed to receive moral and material compensation.

“During the public prosecution of the prosecutors of the Specialized Prosecutor's Office in the military and defense sphere of the Office of the Prosecutor General, the court found three people guilty of robbery, illegal handling of weapons, intentional severe and intentional light bodily harm,” the OG wrote.

What is known about the court's decision

A Russian citizen and an Armenian citizen turned out to be the perpetrators. They were sentenced to 15 years in prison with confiscation of property. As for the other attacker, who is a citizen of Ukraine, he received 8 years in prison with confiscation of property.

In addition, the court partially satisfied the civil claims of the victims – the perpetrators must pay in their favor moral and property damage in the amount of more than 30 million hryvnia.

What proved in court

Prosecutors managed to prove before the judge that the criminals had previously conspired in the fall of 2015, and four ATO participants were attacked near the Kyiv metro station “Hydropark”.

They inflicted bodily injuries of varying severity on them, from which one of the victims subsequently died. And then they seized their property, – the Office of the Prosecutor General noted.

It also became known that two of the convicts attacked two more in the same place and robbed them. The criminals carried and possessed ammunition and explosives, but did not have this legal permission. ul dir=”ltr”>

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