Home » The court arrested the Odessa military commissar Borisov on bail of 140 million

The court arrested the Odessa military commissar Borisov on bail of 140 million

by alex

The Pechersky District Court of Kyiv arrested the ex-chief of the Odessa Regional Territorial Acquisition Center (TCC) Evgeny Borisov for two months on suspicion of laundering illegally obtained income, with the possibility of being released on bail of 140 million hryvnia.< /p>

The portal Grate reports about the corresponding court decision. The Office of the Prosecutor General reported that the amount of bail will be 140 million

The court arrested Borisov again

Previously, the prosecutor of the Specialized Prosecutor's Office in the field of defense of the southern region, Arseniy Protasov, asked for such a preventive measure.

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According to Protasov, the ex-head of the TCC Borisov is suspected of legalizing more than €8.2 million euros.

Judge Irina Litvinova granted the petition in full.

However, Borisov himself did not admit his guilt in court.

— I didn't break anything. I am outraged by what the prosecutor's office is doing, — he said during the hearing.

The ex-military commissar's lawyers asked the court to refuse the prosecutor's request and release his client from custody.

In addition, Evgeniy Borisov is accused of illegal enrichment in the amount of more than 142 million hryvnia, about which the day before, on May 29, the prosecutor’s office sent a corresponding case to the Pechersky Court of Kyiv.

Borisov faces up to 15 years in prison.

The Borisov Case

Recall that on May 28, SBI officers detained the former head of the Odessa Regional TCC and SP, Evgeniy Borisov, after he was released from the pre-trial detention center, when bail was paid for him in the amount of 12 million hryvnia.

Borisov was first detained in the summer of 2023, and then he was placed in custody with a bail amount of 150 million hryvnia, which was later reduced to 12 million hryvnia.

Military commissar Borisov was exposed by Ukrainian journalists, who published an investigation that stated that the family of the military commissar managed to purchase millions of dollars worth of real estate and cars in Spain after February 24, 2022.

After the investigation, the Ukrainian parliament initiated an inspection of all TCCs, and President Vladimir Zelensky instructed the former head of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny to immediately dismiss Yevgeny Borisov from his position and create a commission that would check all the heads of the TCC and joint venture.

On June 28, 2023, military commissar Borisov was dismissed from his post.

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