Home » The countdown has already begun: there is only one way to save the world

The countdown has already begun: there is only one way to save the world

by alex

The countdown has already begun: there is only one way to save the world/Getty Images

< strong _ngcontent-sc130="">For the world to survive, you need to kill only one person, not even a person, but Putin. This must be understood by the leaders of the free world, and this is the main task and goal today.

In the name of saving the planet. I do not believe that with all the forces, means and opportunities at their disposal, they cannot do this.

Sanctions will not help

Sanctions are dead poultices. The countdown has already begun.

Putin must be put to death. By any means. If he dies, there will be no answer. No one dares.

The countdown has already begun: there is only one way to save the world

At the leaders of the free the world should have one goal/Photo by Getty Images

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