Home » The cold snap is back: weather forecasters warned of a drop in temperature

The cold snap is back: weather forecasters warned of a drop in temperature

by alex

On Wednesday, the air temperature rose significantly in Ukraine. Warm weather is forecast for at least a few days. At the same time, weather forecasters warn that it could get colder soon.

It will get cold again in March

According to weather forecasts, it will get cold again at the end of the week in Ukraine. Friday night in the North to -4 degrees.

However, during the day in most areas the temperature is still quite high. In the South +16 degrees.

According to the preliminary forecast of Ukrgidromettsentr, on Sunday, March 12, the thermometer will drop again. In part of the western regions, only +2…+4 degrees. In addition, snow and rain are possible.

So we are not talking about significant heat, as in previous days. Even in the South, the maximum temperature is only +9 degrees.

Preliminary weather forecast for March 12 / Screenshot from Ukrhydrometcenter

Speaking of which! Earlier, in a commentary on Channel 24, weather forecaster Natalya Ptukha said that, according to a preliminary forecast, there could still be a slight frost at the beginning of next week at night. However, the temperature is already above zero during the day. Precipitation is also possible, but already mostly in the liquid phase, that is, rain.

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